Monday, 30 July 2007
Com was down, so couldn't log in for eons. Goodness.
Was feeling rather displeased over the treatment i got over the weekends. Am not sure how guys really treat gurls, budden...
1. Brought to smoking-section
Jerica, being a non-smoker, is definitely not an advocate for alfresco-dining/ chilling-out, especially when the guy brings her to the SMOKING SECTION. Not as though the guy didn't ask if I smoke (he already knows I DON'T), I was still brought to be seated at the smoking section. As if that was not enough, two caucasians came after a while,and started puffing away, as though they had nv smoked their whole lives.
Jerica almost died. From all those 2nd-hand smoke.
Guys, if you're bringing a lady out for dinner/whatsoever, please ask if she minds to be seated in the smoking section. If he had asked if I minded, & I had replied yes, I wouldn't have been so pissed off. Because I should have said NO. But the worst thing was, he didn't ask. And that's the problem. Am pretty sure that isn't what a gentleman would do. TURNS ME OFF.
2. Kept really quiet throughout
Am not sure whether my friend was tired having just booked out from his GREEN SERVICE, or shy, or simply had nothing to chat about (then why do u ask me out for in the first place???), but I thought it was pretty awkward for me. Chatty (outspoken as I term it, haha.) by nature, I thought the silence maintained intermittently throughout made me feel really uncomfortable. Well, I HAVE NEVER HAD SUCH PROBLEMS. Until I went out with him on Sat. He was pretty much a deep thinker. Or. A silent thinker. So scary. Gosh. Guys, if you're bringing a lady out, do make sure you have thought of stuffs/topics to talk about, if you aren't apt at speaking impromptu.
Especially if you're bringing a lively lady out.
Especially if she is a Leo.
Oh yes, And please find out about the things she likes, and never attempt to talk ALIEN to her (read: things she doesn't know about), unless she initiates,or asks about them. Talk about topics she understands, or am interested in. Please.
3. Being LATE
All right, I admit I am personally a pretty impatient person, but I thought being late for first date is definitely not gonna leave a good impression? (SO QUIT TELLING ME THAT I'VE CHANGED SINCE MEETING UP, BECAUSE YOU WERE THE ONE WHO TARNISHED MY IMPRESSION OF YOU). And in any case, if he had apologised for being late (I don't remember he did), I don't reckon that i will be so pissed off. Gosh. It's like, he made me wait so long that I managed to attain level 8 of Tetris on my Sony Ericsson. Isn't that amazing? He arrived, looking half-dead, & DID NOT EVEN APOLOGISE.
Is that how a gentleman behaves?
4. Dunno-what-to say AKA speechless (literally)
When you meet up with a lady (to whom you had expressed you had a crush on) at around 7pm, do you take your own dinner first, or do you ask if she would dine with you? FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY WHOLE DATING LIFE, my date actually ate his fill before he came to meet me. How nice. So, Jerica was the poor rat starving while praying hard for the date to end soon, so that she can catch some nice food with her friends. Who were waiting for her (Thank you ladies, very much. =P )
I had never dated any guy who took his dinner before meeting up, so well. Sat was a real eye-opener for me.
Thanks alot for the lesson, boy. And, thanks but no thanks.
Guys, if you do ask a girl out, & you realise that u need to eat on ur own first (either bcos u worry abt paying for the meal, or are really so hungry that you hafta eat first), please have the courtesy to let the lady know, so that she will not starve in vain. No, not as though I was expecting to buy me a dinner, but I think it's plain courtesy to let your date (be they same/opposite sex) know whether you guys will be dining tgt, or not.
Rather than letting your date starve.
5. Super low Self-Esteem
This worry freak here has really, really, low self-esteem. It was as though he had failed all his life, and that he was worrying all day long. The other day when I was busy whipping cream for my cheese cake and didn't reply him for (i guess) 15 mins, he sent another msg, "Did I scare you off? If that's the case, then i'm gonna get u to erase what I've said (it was his confession of the lil' crush)." Alryte, I admit I was laughing at that tym, like, I felt important. However, another incident led me to conclude that this chap here is indeed a worry freak...
After meeting up on Sat, he msged me, saying "I think you're different from the past, after we met up.", when I thought I was still alryte. Well, if i were indeed different from before we met up, it was because you had painted such a wonderful picture of yourself in your SMSed to me, such that I suffered a rude shock from that date. (yea, that fateful date).
And, please. That was an accusation on your part. And I hate it. And such an accusation was a groundless one, without proof to back his finger-pointing.
Had told him countless times that "Looks probably do matter, but are superficial & are not the primary thing that matter", but he kept insisting on: "Nah. So looks do matter afterall," & continued casting his suspicions on me & my values, my beliefs assertedly.
Perhaps, for this, he can continue to assert. I mean, he can take his own stand. Or make his own point that looks do matter to him. But he shouldn't doubt me. I mean, if I make it a point to bother explaining to you, it proves something, isn't it? But come again, I don't gather I would even bother anymore, if he does such nonsense again.
Seriously, if he's just in need of some reassurance, I don't mind being there to listen. Or even, offer some confidence-booster. But, (I don't know if that's characteristic of a Leo,) I get pretty pissed off when nothing seems to go in (into his mind) after all the effort I made. Or even some appreciation. (Yes, I need to feel appreciated often.). This no doubt, kills my wanting-to-help-him anymore.
If only he knew how to make my day.
Monday, 23 July 2007
Sat, 21 July: Went rollerblading to celebrate Jacqueline's 19th bday!! Gosh, u wudn't bliv this - I was walking to Punggol MRT Station halfway when suddenly, it poured! Poor Jerica was drenched wet. All soaked man. Shucks. But decided to go ahead to East Coast anyways, since I had already been through those "wet-dry-wet regimen from my NBS FOC. Hahas. Kareen was pretty good at her blading, this being her very first time. =) Proud of her! Jerica fell the least number of times (0 times if i dun rmb wrongly; Kareen fell the most. hahas. but nevertheless, i must say she's been pretty good for a first-timer already)
Sat night was spent at Phuture, as usual =))) Had carrot cake at the coffeeshop opposite Zouk. Oh gosh, u really gotta try their carrot cake; it's really nice la!!! hahas. Met many frens, & frens of frens there. Came to know this guy called Admond (fren of frens). Haha. Pretty gentlemanly. I would reckon he's a humorous guy too? Lol. From the cute questions he asks. hahas. Had supper/ breakfast at ard 5 plus on Sun morning at Boon Keng McDonalds' (Kareen's house's McDonalds'. Hahas.) Took a VERY COMFORTABLE maxi cab home (those 7-seaters). Not too ex; reasonable I would say.
Sun, 22 July: Last day of GSS. Haa. decided to do some final shopping with Kareen, since I had lost my voice & couldn't go for tuition lessons. Oops. Yups. Bought a pair of Papillio sandals. That was after I bought a pair of slippers at Far east. Haa. Jerica's crazy habit of buying shoes after shoes, tops after tops. Muahhahas. Enjoyed myself! =))) Happy wimmy purchase. hahaas... Prolly gonna shop for more stuffs? muahahs.

Scheduled to have OG Dinner at Newton Circus later, at 6pm. Haha. Hope the turn-up rate will be better than expected! =))
Updated again soon yups. muahahas. Takkires, everyone!
Jerica =P
NBS FOC (Nanyang Biz Sch Freshmen Orientation Camp) HAS BEEN GR8! The best camp i've ever been to so far. =))
Games were pretty novel, & the itinerary was planned meticulously. Well, the most interesting parts were the various funny forfeits in between games. hahas. The seniors at NBS FOC 2007 were veritably advocates for SDU (SDU - Social Development Unit was one of the sponsors for the camp)... All our forfeits/ games involved certain level of intimacy & cross-gender interactions! LOL.
Only managed to chalk up a few hours of sleep over the 5 days at camp (16-20 July). It's an amazement how all of us managed to do it; sleeping only lyk, 2 hrs at most EVERYDAY. gosh.
Here's a breakup/ summary of stuffs we did:
Mon, 16/7/07: Learnt cheers from our seniors primarily. It was cheers, cheers, & more cheers. Had a bit of culture shock, as most of the cheers were in crude hokkien. Like, "li chap doh loh eh!" (where do u "belong"), etc etc. haa. Budden was alryte la. Cos i understood Hokkien. =)) Was the Cheers-IC for the first day of camp, & being such a dedicated lady, I lost my voice by the start of the 2nd day. muahahas. We had wet/dirty games, including making our butts dirty with eggs & SOYA SAUCE (for the field games), & having to walk through the canals with only 2 candles AT NIGHT. Total darkness accompanied us & it was hot, stuffy. Gosh. Haa. Well, but we emerged stronger persons. Such activities do bond the group together. haa. Was also blindfolded in a few games. Aha!

Tue, 17/7/07: Arrived at Sentosa (unbathed still, cos had no time to bathe). Caught a little sleep on the coach though. Finally had time to bathe upon settling down. Because it was only a few of us who hadn't bathed, the rest got to catch more sleep, while these few of us dragged our tired bodies to the chalet to bathe. in the end, all the sleep we got was that 1 hr plus on that coach. Started the day without my voice (well, still had a bit of my voice left la. but was super hoarse. haa). played lotsa beach games & of course, photo formations here n there (it's where all the pp in our group, all 34 of us, pile on top of one another!!!)

Further played more games, random shots included herein...


Wed, 18/7/07: Think we arrived at the Changi Holiday Bungalow Chalet... Had Fright Night. Goodness! The Fright night was the best ever that i've been too, seriously! The effort that all the seniors put in were evident, lock stock & barrel la! Gosh. Their make up was very real, as thought they were really ghosts. Oh man! Very fun. Inside the "ghost" house, Sadako grabbed my calves, i had to snatch a baby doll from one of the "ghosts", comb the hairs of one of the "ghosts" & was locked up in the damp toilet with yet another one of them...Haha~ Really very impresive. Especially all the logistics & planning. Thumbs-up to NBS seniors! =))) To end off the night, i think we had beancurd for supper. And also Nasi Lemak plus longan dessert (compliments of the seniors who paid for all these from their own pockets!). Yummy! If i dun rmb wrongly, we were all asleep soundly when one of the beds collapsed, injuring Sabrina, who was slepping beside me on the ground. Poor her! ouch. Bt anyways, after some fixing, all was fine lar =))
Thur, 19/7/07: Moved to NSRCC (National Service Resort & Country Club)... Lovely place!! But abit inaccessible though. Then, it was all food-galore at Geylang district!!! Had Wonton Mee, lovely Char-Siew Paus, Tim Sum, Frog Congee, delicious duck meat, nice herbal GuiLingGao, etc etc etc. Before setting off, the seniors made us up. All the nonsensical plus hilarious plus ugly hair-dos! God. I had a pig's nose on my head, plus 2 plaits. haa. As below:
(oh ya, notice carefully that my left hand is not where it appears to be. i mean, those hands scratching away in the background are not mine!! I was holding on to the spirals made of aluminium foil! Amazing angle of photography huh? haa.) For the food game, i kissed a frog!!!

Thur night was SP Night, also known as Special Partner Night. It was like Blind Dating, where parnters were paired up to go on a blind date. LOL. The guys had to undergo tremendous pressures, stress & many forfeits/ performances to humour the seniors in order for them to bring us ladies out. Haha. My SP was Chao Zhang from SAJC. Haa. He brought me out to Billy Bombers at Central, before going over to Velvet Dragon. Yummy! I had their version of fish & chips. Was so glad that we finally managed to get good food after days & meals of horrendous food. hahas. Hehs. anw, pic with my SP as below, taken outside Velvet Dragon. Oh man! He couldn't pick me out from the crowd of ladies in my OG (so he had to do many forfetis. haa!) !!! LOL. Faint. 
Oh yes! We ended off Thur with the acitivity I had been looking forward to... Clubbing! Clubbed the night away at Velvet Dragon. Wonderful!!! Didn't know it was sucha nice place. Cos previously went Momo, but the impression it gave me was bad. All smoky n stuffs. But this time, the then-Momo, now-Velvet Dragon is new & cool! Nice place. hahas. will prolly chill out there more. Shift away from Phuture every now n then. haahs. Cannot always stick to Phuture =)) This pic was taken in the ladies of Velvet Dragon (guys, u didn't know it was sucha nice place inside, did u? haa)
Jerica With Casancia (Nice name!)
Michelle & Jerica (I bet she was drunk! haha!)
Fri, 20/7/07: Last day of camp! The very thought of being able to sleep properly & comfortably at home kept me alive.. Muahahas. Played a few more games, before we concluded the camp with Prize Presentation Ceremony. Muahahas. Jerica was BEST FRESHIE for my OG!!! =))) Competition was pretty intense though. I won only by one vote. Oops. Thanks to all my peeps/ miragis who voted for me!!! =) was really nice having fu wif u pp! muahahs. all those nonsensical jokes i made. Sorry that I made all of u go through them!
Took pictures with my seniors. Kelley, Yong Xiang. YX actually posed as a freshie on the first day la! god. And we actually believed him ok. hahas! Kelley's a lovely & bubbly gurl. Thought she was adorable! LOL.

Jerica with the TALL GURLS IN MY OG (they were all lyk, 1.7m?!?!?! OMG)

Oh yay!!! =) Mavis, Raisa, Michelle & Jerica =))
Jeremy, ChoonMing, Casancia, Jerica =))
Jerica lost her voice as a result of all the cheering, plus lotsa sleep lost; but what's all that compared to the many frenships I forged? =)) These frenships, To last me a lifetime I hope... =PPP
NBS FOC Rocks! And continue to ROCK ON!
Cheers to all!
Friday, 13 July 2007
Woah! Went town on my own for some luxurious-goods shopping in the earlier part of the day! actually asked my frens out, budden most of them were either working, or had their own programmes dy. Even best fren LayKoon also couldn't go wimme, as she had to leave by 6 plus to meet her guy and she thought it would be a waste of the transport costs. =) Yup, so in the end, I went shopping on my own. haa.
Oh man! Louis Vuitton's service at Ngee Ann City cannot make it! Goodness. Actually had wanted to buy the Monogram Vernis Series Pochette Perle (the Coin & Change Holder). But then one of the service staffs had a freaking sucky attitude. Doh. So after i browsed the catelogue, I walked out of the shop. (Well, but actually can't rly blame them, as the boutique was really rather crowded at that time... Had to queue up to get in still, even though it was just a weekday, can u imagine?!?! haa)
Went on to Gucci (in Taka) to see if they have what I needed (or rather, wanted? haa). The closest they have which was similar to what i wanted was this coin purse. Plain, Gucci monograms on its canvas on the exterior, budden I wasn't exactly captivated by it leh. Well, it pales in comparison to the Monogram Vernis that I liked so much from LV.
However, something else caught my eye at Gucci instead. Muahahas. It was their handphone strap!!!

I thought it was somehow similar to the one that my (another) best fren, Kareen had. Only this time, they had it in Pink! Oh man. Pink. Ha. Though it isn't exactly my favourite colour, it caught my eye! Cos I just so love the metal part, which has "Gucci" engraved on it. I asked to take a closer look at the strap, and upon closer scrutiny (not exactly so...haa), I realised that the price was lesser than what I had expected! LOL. Asked them for the signature colours (the green n red), but understood from one of their staff that it was out of stock at their outlet, but Paragon still had it.
Thus, I went over to Paragon Gucci to look at the handphone strap in the Classic Gucci colours. While waiting for them to retrieve the merchandise, I was browsing around, & saw the Gucci belts hanging on the rack, WAITING FOR KAREEN TO GO GET THEM (Kareen's intending to buy one of those one day, soon.). Yups, anyway, in the end, I decided I'll settle with the Pink Gucci HP strap instead. BUT! This time round, it was the Paragon Gucci that did not have the Pink one, so I had to cross over to Taka again to purchase that pink one from them. Confusing? LOL. Oh man, imagine all those walking on heels!
Yea, settled with the pink one... Happy wimmy purchase! =))
Continued my journey, this time stopping over at Burberry, while still on the phone with Kareen. (I was asking her for advice & complaining abt the svc i got at LV). After browsing through, I decided to get this Burberry Wallet/ Card Holder on 50% discount! MUAHAHA. +Happy+

Anyway, the reason why I wanted to go shopping today was cos I realised I had no time left to catch the GSS, since the Uni Orientation Camps would be rolling out from Monday, & next weekend would be the last day. But then next week will be celebrating Jacqueline's birthday! (excited for her!) Thus, this would mean I'll have NO TIME LEFT. Yes, no time left. Thus, I went ahead with the shopping, even though I was ALL ALONE. =SSS
Nightime was spent at Swissotel Merchant Court, for my cousin, Claudia's wedding dinner. Goodness, being an SIA Air Stewardess (well, i think 3 or 4 of the 6 ladies in her family ARE air stewardesses) definitely made her wedding stand out among those I've been to. All her wedding pictures were so picture-perfect!!! My cousin Claudia was slim & tall (her husband was slightly shorter than her), had unblemished complexion & a (literally) fair lady. The silk of the wedding gown carressed her sexy figure, and voila! Simply sweeping~ Woah. Too bad I dun haf such good genes. Hahaa. Yup, anyway i guess both of them are rich larrs. Being able to hold the wedding in Swissotel is no joke, & the wedding packages for photo shoots & stuff? Oh god.
Oh ya, talking abt Swissotel - Food wasn't exactly very bad, but neither was it fantastic... What was bad was the SERVICE (yes! service again. haa). Their waitressing crew took ages to get the condiments for us; & they wudn't bother to accede to ur request if they're not in charge of ur table. Cool ryte. DOH! Swissotel leh. What a service. (yea, n, "LV leh, what a service". haaaas)
Yup, anyway, the couple looked really endearing & so lovey-dovey... *Envy =)))
Then both my (other) cousin, Jessamine & I were discussing which one of us would get married first n stuffs. Hahas. my conclusion: To get married is no joke (because I wouldn't want to divorce; i treat marriage as something of great sanctity whose purity must not be desecrated). On top of uniting as one with The Special One, you seriously have to be rich to throw lavish receptions like this. No joke. Big hole in pocket. Budden again, I think it's really romantic & heart-warming to be able to get married in an ambience you've always wanted (your whole life or not)....
Ha! Here're some pictures that I took that night... Pictures of my cousin's wedding were really blur. Oh man. Thus, only these few... Hees. Oops.
Dad & Mum by the Singapore River (Romantic hor? haa)
Jerica & Jessamine (she's my a-yr-younger-than-me cousin & we're close!)
Jessamine & Jerica again. haa.

Well, with much appreciation for having my family there yesterday, here's wishing Cluadia & her hubby all the very best, & let's hope to see a new baby in the Chong/ Zhang family soon! (oops, bt she's now a Teo; no longer Chong. haha)
"Holding your hands
I won’t fear tomorrow
Here where we stand
We'll never be alone"
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
Saw this Commandment on the net, thought was pretty funny. Share here in my blog. hahas. Here goes...! =P [Have fun flipping]
Commandment 1.Marriages are made in heaven.But then again, so are thunder and lightning.
Commandment 2.If you want your wife to listen and pay strict attentionto every word you say; talk in your sleep.
Commandment 3.Marriage is grand -- and divorce is at least 100 grand!
Commandment 4.Married life is very frustrating. In the first year ofmarriage, theman speaks and the woman listens.In the second year, the woman speaks and the manlistens.In the third year, they both speak and the neighbourslisten.
Commandment 5.When a man opens the door of his car for his wife,you can be sureof one thing: Either the car is new or the wife is.
Commandment 6.Marriage is when a man and woman become as one;The trouble starts when they try to decide which one.
Commandment 7.Before marriage, a man will lie awake all night thinkingaboutsomething you say. After marriage, he will fall asleepbefore you finish.
Commandment 8.Every man wants a wife who is beautiful,understanding, economical, and a good cook.But the law allows only one wife.
Commandment 9.Marriage and love are purely matter of chemistry.That is why wife treats husband like toxic waste.
Commandment 10.A man is incomplete until he is married.After that, he is finished..
Bonus Commandment story.A long married couple came upon a wishing well.The wife leaned over, made a wish and threw in apenny.The husband decided to make a wish too.But he leaned over too much, fell into the well, anddrowned.The wife was stunned for a moment but then smiled,"Wow! This stuff really works!"
Shall blog about my thoughts on marriage in time to come yea =)
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Found this love quote. Pretty nice. Talking about loving without expecting anything in return...
"I'm sorry if you can't love me, the way you loved the one before me.. so I'll let you go to find her, and hope that someday you'll see.. that the one true love you've been looking for, was the one who set you free."
Saturday, 7 July 2007
I think...
I'm hiding my feelings - The tears behind those laughs; The sorrows deep down within; The emptiness in my life... Am I not contented with what I have, or who I already have in life...?
When it's time to let go, I should. Stop harbouring false hopes & dreaming up a fantasy land of my own. Isn't it already clear?
I feel like crying, but the tears don't seem to fall... And when finally they do, who's there for me...?
If I were blue, would you be there for me,And whisper in my ears that's ok.Would you stand by me, let me hold you tight,And say you love me one more time.If I feel good, would you slow dance with me,And touch my lips with tender loving care,Would you die for me, would you run with me,And never look back..Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one, to take my breath away?Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one, to take my breath away?Would you be there..If I am away, would you still think of me,And wished that you could hold me now.Would you die for me, would you run with me,All the way ...Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one, to take my breath away?Would you be there to save my soul tonight,Would you swear that your love is always true,Would you say that you always be there,To kiss my pain away,Would you be there to love, to be with me?Would you swear that your love is always true?Would you say that you'll always be the one, to take my breath away?Would you be there to save my soul tonight,Would you swear that your love is always true,Would you say that you always be there,To kiss my pain away,Would you be there ..... for me ...*Excruciating pain that seared through my heart - Jerica's clueless how it happened; It just did...*
Friday, 6 July 2007
Recently just felt rather moody, as 16th July draws nearer. Argh! Yes, that's the date for my Faculty's FOC (Freshmen Orientation Camps)... On one hand, I am pretty excited for the new phase of life, but on the other, I'm apprehensive & am not certain what Life will be after that. Argh.
On one hand, I'm pretty excited at the amont of freedom that I'd haf; but on the other, I'm saddened by the fact that I have to control myself as well - cannot play play play. Must jiayou in uni as well, in order to get First Class Honours. Yes! I'm aiming for that & I want to graduate with a First Class Honours, since NTU offers direct Honours to all Biz Graduates. Therefore, the diffference is in the class of Honours that one attains.
mmm... Sadness & Urgency has seized me suddenly - I'm unhappy that I'm left with only 1 week to slack around. hahas. But. Well, I've always wanted to Live Life without Regrets. So, I'll make good whatever decisions I've made in my Life. =) Yes, and trust me, I will. Just need to do some personal mental psyching. Muahahs. That's what we used to do back in Track & Field days. Gotta mentally psych ourselves up before the races. In most physical activities, it's usually more of "Mind over body" - When the body is worn out, the mind MUST take over; otherwise one would hardly inch forward. Yes! Mind Over Body! This is especially true when I took part in the National Vertical Marathon in 2006. Woah! My body was already jelly when i reached the 8th floor (because those in my wave practically ran their ways up initially so i followed suit)... Imagine having to go all the way up to 40+ storey! Nahs! i told myself, challenge myself, push myself n... yes! In the end I reached the top... In under 12mins! =)
I miss doing sports; active sports at that. Argh. If only I have less injuries... =SSS
"We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. "
Thursday, 5 July 2007
Watched The Exorcist yesterday. Pretty nice! It's the kind of thrillers i like, with the supernatural element in it. Was quite scary; some parts gruesome, bt overall was not a bad show after all. Hees. Called up Hwee to talk abt the trip to M'sia. Well, at least we decided on some stuffs, rather than starting on NOTHING at all. Hahas. Halfway through the conversation, we talked about clubbing! LOL Actually wanted to go for Ladies nyte (yst being Wednesday), but in the end somebody's mummy was screaming at her (hopefully it was just for fun) so we didn't go, n i stayed home to continue wif my show (The Exorcist).Oh man! Right now, I can't help but feel rather sad that i'll be entering Uni soon. Don't know why, but i've been pretty mood-swingy of late. Arghs. Staying in hostel, which translates into a brand new kind of lifestyle for me. Can't imagine having to wait for my turn to bathe. Mmm. I would prolly miss my home the most! I think I'll be lyk an NS man - only "booking out" on weekends. muahahas. The orientation camps are starting in 2 weeks - this week being the first. which means i will need to go for my holiday break next week!!!!! =SSSS Haiz. quite rush I thought? While I'm rather sad on one hand, I thought I should be happy instead! Independence... Mmm =) Gather it'll be nice to stay wimmy fren(s). Muahahas. Heard about those hanky panky gg on ard in the halls, bt doubt it'll ever happen in my room. hees. The last thing that i would need to "see" is those dirty stuffs (supernatural), much as I like watching shows on these. I'd prolly freak out I thought?anyways, hope everything turns out well for me in Uni, and that I will be able to graduate soon! Can't wait to start adult life, though i know i'll get sick of it soon, and that I'll prolly hope to go back to schooling days after a while. Yup that's me, always in need of changes. Hees.Uh yea, was packing my wardrobe the other day - making space for total/partial changeover & guess wad? I realised I have >15 pcs of racer backs, different coloured ones of cos. blah hahas. generally i'd prefer black/ white for my clothings, bt I do lyk solid, contrasting colours too! =) As long as they're bright n striking, I'd love them. Hees. But of cos must see if it can go well with my tan skin tone?Talking abt skin tone. Aiyo! My face was flaking fr the sun-burn i got during the camp at Ping Yi Sec!!! Ouch... N now my face looks like Bao Qing Tian. hahas! When my bro's gurl saw me, she commented that I looked like Bao Qing Tian. argh!!! Well, it's the aftermath lars. Cos initially when it was tanned n red, I thought i liked that shade.. hahas. but subsequently it started flaking n it's so disgusting la. Lyk, snakes? Hee.Oh ya, for those who're interested in bt are clueless on what I'm doing now, i'm currently slacking ard at home, waiting for the orientation camps to start on 16th July (Nanyang Business School Orientation Camp-NBSOC for short). Meanwhile, indulging in the GSS - I just so love spreeing! Muahahas. but it's really bad for my pockets u noe. hahas. JERICA'S IN NEED OF A HOLIDAY BREAK!!!!! IN NEED OF COMPANY TO GO HOLIDAY & SHOPPING WIMME!!!! =ssssssssssssss
Monday, 2 July 2007
I wish for...
~ Louis Vuitton Monogram Vernis, Key & Change Holder (White/ known as Pearl) - S$320
~ Guess Heels/ Birkenstock/ Papillio Sandals or Slippers - S$50 to S$200
~ Burberry Handbag - (Out of reach as of now.) =S
~ More Guess products! =) Handbags. Bleah.
~ This particular Esprit watch - S$ 119
~ A nice Baby G Watch, dunno-what-series/collection -S$78 to S$137 i think?
~ Less health problems (especially Zits! Doh)
~ More active friends to do sports with me (Very important)
~ A visit to MacRitchie Reservoir/ Zoo!
And also not forgetting,
~ Happy, healthy family & loved ones by my side! =Petc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Shall update more when I remember them! Lol.
Had a rather enjoyable weekend this week! =) The camp turned out successfully n boy, I am now sunburnt, as red as lobster! muahahas. Thur-Fri day camp was at PingYi Sec Sch in Bedok. Rather ulu place, cos 3 of the cabs i got into didn't noe how to go there. lol. one of them even tried to bring me ther using his GPS budden in the end only resulted in a total waste of my time. wad the bleah-
anyways, was in charge of a bunch of sec 3 students. rather crude in their language, bt overall still obedient. erms. i mean, at least they were able to take instructions fr me. hahas. was told to take up another upcoming assignments coming wed-fri (stay in camp at Jalan Bahtera MOE Adventure campsite). Was interested n kinda pressurised to take up at first, bt aft thinking it thru, i think i shud gif it a miss. For those wondering, well. being a camp instructor is NEVER about the pay, bcos the job dusen pay well. Long hours (esp for stay in camps), lots of shouting n having to be really responsible for the students (and of cos those monkeys who love to be smart alecks, trying to disobey u in every way) & LACK OF SLP. All the effort far exceeds the amount of monetary benefits awarded to u as an instructor. the bottom line is, you really have got to haf passion for this job.
For me, bcos i've 3 tuition classes nw, I actually can't afford to go for such camp assignments too regularly, cos that would mean like only 1 lesson per week for them? Which means they can't rmb whatever i taught them the previous lesson, unless they haf super memory. hahahahahas.
So, after discussing wif kareen n weighing the opportunity costs, I decided to skip the camp & concentrate on tutoring & slacking ard at home b4 semester in Uni starts. =) Yups. Furthermore, there are like so many other camps that I will be going for: Nanyang Business School (NBS) Freshmen Orientation Camp, Student Union Camp, & Halls of Residence Orientation Camp as well. Starting from 16 July, I'll be away for camps, more camps & even more camps. hahhahs. Talking abt NS. (BMT? Lol.)
And ya, Sat was spent at Marina area. Watched NDP Combined Rehearsal with KF, tickets compliments of Raymond & Ting Ting. Gave 4 tickets to uncle fredd & family. A lot of crap happened on that day & spoilt my mood, bt i was fine after a while. Mood swings. Haiz. Terrible hormones raging again.
Was disappointed bcos my fren had actually told me dat there'll b fireworks. Budden turned out otherwise. Argh! sad ya. but. well, can always catch it other times =) no prob. hahas.
*Raymond, it's really ok. Don't feel bad. =P
After NDP, KF & I went over to Marina Sq to collect tickets for the movie Transformer that we'll be catching with Kareen & Jay. Muahahas. Kareen arrived like a cute school gurl, while we met Jay in his sandals. haha. no offence or wadsoever, bt i thot he looked kinda ... (speechless). hahas.
Kareen actually wanted to go Phuture after supper aft the movie. Budden in the end, we decided to head home. hahas. partly cos i haf tuition today (Sunday) & had to leave early even if we went down to Phu. Considering that it was already ard 2 plus then, we decided that we wun enjoy much/long even if we got down, so we gave it a miss n took a cab home.
Overall, enjoyable & refreshing weekend. Not the usual clubbing stuffs, n having to drag my body up aft clubbing to watch Doraemon, I thought this kind of lifestyle was not bad? =P
Jerica's the kind of gurl who needs changes every now n then. Strict regime or dull routine is never for me; I need changes to inject life in me. Blah!
Blog again soon! =P