Thursday, 29 May 2008
“I miss you”
“Feelings as strong as Hercules”
“Never gonna let you go”
These little words whispered… Small gestures shown… Showers of love and care…
He lets her know how he feels. He tells her how important she is in his life. Who is she to him, to decree such a fate?
She loves the fact that his little gestures warm her heart, brighten her days and keep her smiling, even when the sad clouds seem to block the sun’s rays from her face.
Even when the tears threaten to fall.
Thanks for the sunshine, for being you, who's now part of her life.
“I can’t express in words how much IMY but my love and care shall never end”
He told her, “My addiction is getting stronger by the day” and but he has no idea that she was addicted way before he mentioned that.................
Thursday, 22 May 2008
That night, he arrived with something SACRED in his hands…. Oh what’s that? Wheeeee! It’s BNJ! Hohohoho. Cookie Dough = Yummy yummy! Each step she took seemed so light; she was veritably bouncing with every step; it was as though the ice cream (or was it the very man who had brought her the ice cream) had lifted her spirits instantaneously.

The sugars surging in… The excitement and wonders of something she couldn’t fathom in its entirety… Whoooo. The mysteries of the future seemed to have captivated her soul.
Stability was something she knew she would be assured of; but, was she ready for a strong commitment? How about, stability to the point of a mundane, monotonous relationship? Could they work together to constantly ignite the flames needed to keep the relationship alive?
Commitment sounded kind of scary… The amount of effort necessary to keep a relationship running smooth, the investment of time and the responsibilities… Is she ready?
Seems like she did not have an answer. To her, as long as she had loved at that very moment in time, it would probably suffice…
To have loved is better than not having loved at all…
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
When we ask someone to change for the better… Do we really care for the person; is it really in the best interest of the person that we persuaded the person to change, or is it because we are so associated with the person that any action on his/ her part will directly/ indirectly have an impact on ourselves?
How much do you agree that “Human beings are innately selfish, self-centred creatures who are constantly on a look out for opportunities to their advantage”?
As the society mutates in this fast-paced, dog-eat-dog world, one could unlikely help but come to the realization that there is indeed an ugly side of us human beings. When you try to convince your loved ones that doing certain things are bad… Are you really concerned for their well-being? Or, are you merely afraid that what he/ she does will have an adverse impact on you (and essentially, YOU AND YOU ONLY) and your reputation?
Perhaps, it’s time for us to reflect. I admit I’m not perfect; and such a thought that sprung to my mind while talking to Ting Ting during work made me reflect… And questioned myself…
Was it really in her best interests when I hoped she would change for the better and kick those habits? Or, was it because she was someone so closely associated with me that I had hoped for her to change for the better, which boils down to the fact that I AM SELFISH?
Perhaps… there’s no answer. Or rather, there’re no black-and-whites pertaining to such an issue. Yes, maybe what’s there is only the murky grey that we may find ourselves trudging in.
What I felt was way beyond the past; Maybe it is through you that I could have given my trust =)
Tuesday, 20 May 2008
When the feeling feels right…
When everything seems so funny…
When your heart beats faster the moment you see him /her…
When your mind can’t seem to get enough of him/ her…
When nothing else matters…
Is this what it should be like? She didn’t know, but it could well be! The feeling was lost to the winds; to broken promises and forgotten lines for so so long. The heart was almost new, but never again. She knew she had let go of the past, and was ready to forge forth… But, what if she gets lost again?
The game of LOVE. Is it really a game? Who’s in and who’s out?
Does her heart have the capacity to start afresh; to contain the new ones?
She thought so. =) Maybe it’s the little things done… The many laughter they shared… The precious moments they had… The …….
She pondered and implored within her, whether this feeling was right.
So far so good. Been an enjoyable week save for the sickness and flared up tempers manipulating her.
With simple faith, she closed the previous chapter, lifted her pen and started on the new chapter…
When was the last time you loved?
Take time out of each day to give thanks to the little things that are happening in your life… To know that things should not be taken for granted, and people should be cherished… =)
Thursday, 15 May 2008
Here's a little story my bestie sent me recently... Take time to read it people! =)))
The Law Of The Garbage Truck
One day I hopped in a taxi and we took off for the airport. We were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of aparking space right in front of us. My taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. My taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And I mean, he was really friendly. So I asked, 'Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your carand sent us to the hospital!'
This is when my taxi driver taught me whatI now call, 'The Law of the Garbage Truck.' He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage andspread it to other people at work, at home, or on the streets.
The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so..... 'Love the people who treat you right. Pray for the ones who don't.'
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!
So... are you one of the garbage trucks? Learn to love and be loved... NOW! =)))
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
Finally, it's wednesday! hohoho! 2 more days to long weekend (which i had forgotten until tinggy and neer reminded me =P) Wheeeeee! Lagi happy. hehs.
been thru ups and downs this week! grrrr. spent 80 bucks on visiting the doctor omg! can get a decent meal at any fine dine establishment eh. Ouch ouch ouch.... Can u hear my heart ebbing painfully away? Haaa. Ok la. Just hope that i recover soon.
Awwww Gawd. I hate that cough syrup! Not lyk it's rly very bitterrrr or wadsoever, bt it tastes rly WEIRD. DRIEW. Haha. It contains (wad?!) ivy leaves extracts and is suppose to alleviate convulsions, etc. Anti-coughing, anti-spasms, anti phlegm. In total, i obtained lyk 6 different types of medicines! GrrrrRRrrrRRR.
At first was only 3 i think. Then i realise i had developed a drug allergy when the next day i awoke with swollen lips! Damn sad (but funny) i tell u! hahahas. Swollen sausages hanging in place of my lips, can you like imagine?!?!?? Heh.
Went back to Dr. Chan (Arloww.....Ashley are u reading this? Heees. i finally went back to him! ahahas) and he prescribed me additional 3 types of "anti-allergy" medicines. I felt like a patient from the asylum, having to pop in so many pills at mealtimes! hahahas. Anw, my lips felt better after taking the pills, and when i went to office by 10am, my colleague said she wudn't have noticed if i didn't mention it! hahas.
Oh yes, she said it was sexy *wink winkssss* hohoho. Too bad i didn't take any picture to show u guys. Haa! Prob only my dad and some other commuters on the train saw? LOL.
*T was pretty concerned abt my allergy... Thankkew! hahahs. Dunno eh, he woke up to gimme morning call for a number of days so far. Grrrrr. Thanks! But i really feel very bad eh!
Apart from T, there's another person in constant contact wimme, R. Oh no. I think i'm infatuated, but i'm not sure. Cos we're just frens (intro-ed by Karen's Thomas)! hahas. ehhs, somehow i'm rly scared of letting my feelings be known, probably from past experiences. At least be known by him. But oh well, i've never been good at hiding my feelings. Bad bad. hahhas. Ok, so probably now he knows. I dunno if he'd treat it as though i were joking, or if he'd think i were for real. Sometimes, when one jokes too much, your friends will think everything you say are for fun! Heard of crying wolf? Yeah yeah, that's the case in point probably. Haa.
Erms, so far so good... just being frens... =) Taking things easy and light = no burden no nothing... But is this really possible? I don't know. Time to manage my emotions. Maybe, hold back my emotions... Awwww that's so tough. Ok, I needa be tougher. Please don't let me be hurt anymores from rushed feelings.
Maybe maybe maybe...
Do i still have feelings for KF? That night, we had a heart to heart talk over SMS. Not entirely heart to heart, but probably at least i know that i'm a nice gurl in his eyes. (Haa.) Too bad he's no longer available. I'm happy being just friends with him, but I had hoped for something more, and this probably is not gonna come true. Oh well, who knows? Let's just leave it to fate. I believe if things ae meant to be, they will be. If you can't have what you want, chances are, there are better things in line for you! Hohoho. Yes, positive thinking? Probably.
Meanwhile, played mahjong wif a few of my best frens last weekend! Super fun la! I almost emptied all my chips (thanks to SK the pro, who also emptied the other 2 players' chips) when towards the end, i managed a "qing yi se" and this was "zi mo" at that! Woah. Each person 4 "tai" and i ended up $9.60 richer. Recouped my losses and won like $7.60 in the end!
Not so much about the winning or losing, but it was real fun to engage such recreational activities with your dear friends, laughing and joking as the game unravels. Lovely afternoon! =P Jaslene was the professional tai tai, with her classical grace of a tai tai at drawing the tiles and even discarding them, while Hong Li was funny as ever (she'd told me that she had new jokes for me! hahahs Lame ones, thank you very much), and Ser Kun was lost and confused as ever in our conversations...
I dunno. Am i so lame that people find it hard to catch what i'm referring to nowadays? Gosh. I need to be serious. OK! I'M SERIOUS! hahahs. ok i'm not. i'm in a cranky mode now. hehs.
Mgr has been giving my sai gang ("shit work") to do nowadays, cos i always finish up the work delegated to me FAST. I think i'm way too efficient for her probably? Joking. hahahas. But seriously, I feel slighted somehow... Don't insult my usefulness please! Grrrrr. Erms, maybe you can delegate more challenging tasks to me and STOP STEALING CREDITS FROM ME? *No offence to you if you're reading this, but this is really how i feel! Bleahs =P*
Ok! 'Nuff of the complaints! hahas. i think i'm enjoying life as it is now, and would be better come July, come Perth! hohohohooh. can't wait can't wait. Planning to get my branded injections from DFS. Hehs. Yes, Neer,i'll get yours too. Remember to remind me to remind you to remind me to get it for you oks! Yeah, in short, remind me to buy it for you. Haa..
Time to sleep! Been easily worn out recently. Wonder if it's the medicine (non-drowsy supposedly), or maybe i'm just tired? Lols.
Okie dokies, good night my friends, my blog! hees.
=P =D =)))
Thursday, 8 May 2008
Jeri's down with cold. Bad coughs taking strains on my lungs and trachea. Gosh. It hurts everytime I cough, which is intermittently, once every 10 seconds or shorter? Grrrr...
Looking forward to meetin up with Kareen tomorrow after work - gonna do some shopping with her, plus do some gossipping. HAA. Just pray that my sickness may be alleviated by tomorrow!
Somebody please bring my coughs away! Bring my health back. Somehow, i get reminded of the lady who died after complaining that she was stressed out from work, etc. *Shudders*
Had fun at Phuture yesterday, much to my surprise. I'd agreed to go under Karen's persuasion, and that it was rare that she could club on Wednesdays, and because I had initially told my other friends who'll be there that I'll be there (although supposed to be with different person) =) Anyway, point was that Karen got so darn high after downing the Chivas! Goodness. Smooth alcohol is potent - for the uninitiated who will be caught unawares when the effect kicks in suddenly and leaves you sprawling on whatever furniture you could land yourself on.
This brings us to the point of knowing your limits - I guess in such a situation you'd rather underestimate your ability to hold your alcohol than fall victim to drink, drank, drunk.
Recently i came to know of a friend who had landed up in a hotel with a stranger (ok, so called fren's fren whom she came to know just that night itself) after getting all too drunk. Let's not going to such extremes when it comes to drinking, people. Give ourselves room for fun, but please understand that there are loved ones out there who worry and care for us...
'Nuff said, I think I'm harbouring unbalanced attitudes. I'm facing some prejudice and I think these are all unwarranted. Isn't it ironic for someone who "advocates" for equality to be the one who's actually displaying such disgusting behaviours? YUCKS. I can't stand the way she whines when she's already like how-old, the way she flirts with guys ohso-young-for-her and she's attached mind you, and always complaining and blaming others when things fail to go the way she wants. How i wish someone will go up to her and tell the big baby that she's not what she thinks she is, and that she's totally irritating and.....
Get a life, B****!
Ok, done expressing my point. I know i should go get a life too, and probably f*** off, so that's what i'm gonna do. Till next entry peeps!