Monday, 30 June 2008
In the end...
Chanced upon a nice song that reflects my feelings for him!
All these precious moments
with you by my side
must be a gift from heaven
that's holding me all night
i don't know how i found you
i'm thankful that i have
now that i have a love so true
to hold, to keep, to share
* In my heart i can no longer hold inside
all of the love i used to hide
i'll always be with you until the very end
in this world there is no place i'd rather be
you are my life, my soul, my girl
and through it all i know
that you've come to see that you're the one till the end
All my friend around me
say you'd be gone too soon
baby i'm gonna make them see
we've found our way back home
Labels: Love, Songs
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Gosh! So many things, so little time. So much to blog about! Hohoho. Let the pictures tell the words...!
Fridy was my last day at ICG... Hip hip hooray!!! Muahahahas. Went to Toucan Irish Bar/ Pub for lunch with my HR Mgr and Chiok! One of my best frens from NTU whom i recommended to replace me... Yummy Fish and Chips I say! And it's amazing that I didn't get any sore throats despite having had so many fried food recently. Hehs.
Nice ambience with great temperatures for warm afternoons
Their super large serving (Beer Battered) Fish and Chips
Evelyn the new HR Mgr and Jerica
Trying to be funny. Heh. Chiok loves the push cart!

Tadah! Here's Jeri with Chiok the pretty ballerina!
Coloured this while bored at work... Hohoho! Happy Doraemon!
Friday night was spent with Dearico! Went to get Tinggy's present for her big day! Had some stuffs in mind to get for her, but to our dismay, the stocks in Takashimaya were limited. But nevermind, cos dearie's artistic flair failed to rest and so, we decided to do up a little something for Tinggy instead. They dun sell it? We will make it! Hohoho.
And so, this is him at work...
*When guys are serious at work, they get all the more attractive!*

Jerica decided to have a go at it too... And this was what turned out! =SSS
Cute right. Haa. (I know it dusen look lyk My Melody at all, but i think it's cute!)
Rico felt that he could have done more, so he stayed up that night to do some super serious drawing of My Melody! A PITY WE FORGOT TO TAKE A SNAPSHOT OF IT! grrrr. Wasted. Darlie Tan felt it wasn't nice enuf, but i tot it was super nice!!! (Tinggy had commented, "Woah! You all printed it out???" when she saw the drawing.) *Awwww. All thanks to him for staying up to draw such a wonderful pic! Grrr. I felt so bad once again... =SSS The My Melody I drew turned out to be a bunny? Hehs.
With just a few hours of sleep, we met up at Harbourfont slightly earlier to touch up our masterpiece from last night! hohoho. Itinerary for the day was to celebrate Tinggy's birthday at Underwater world at Sentosa! Whoots! After brunching at Subway (Turkey Ham with Parmesan Loaf and Honey Mustard Sauce, minus capsicum, olive and chillies), we made our way there! Took the Express Train down! Hahahas. Smart Jerica showed them the way... not before we realised we had alighted like 2 tram stops before the actual stop. =P

Finally we reached Underwater world! Air-conditioned and minus the heat, it was wonderful! Yes, Jerica loves being in aircon. Hahah. Unless she knows she's gonna sweat it out for good? Yupyup. Hohoho... Here are the pics! =)))
With Ah Tan at Underwater World, Sentosa!
Took a sneak snap at my bro and Ting the birthday (on Mon) gurl! Hohoho. Shhh, they still dunno. Heh.
Jeri and Tinggy!
Ugly fishes, but something unique of its own species...
Jelly fish - Bloop Bloop!!!
Making stupid faces. Hehe. My Forte.
Went on to Dolphin Lagoon to watch the pinkies swim! Hees. Happy as can be... They were amazingly smart mammals who could clap, shake their heads and nod as well! CUTE I SAY! =)))

Stealing kisses from her while on the beach tram. Heh.
That's my bro and Tinggy! Norty gurl. Lol.

All 4 of us acting fools in the souvenir shop... before we got told off for taking pics in the shop (which was forbidden, of course)
Dearico and Dearica! Muahahahs.
My Monkey Brother*
Pretty gurl - norty gurl. Hee.**********************
Ben and Jerry after Sentosa!!!
And yes! Jeri and Tinggy again! It's like a new best friend found!!! Loves!
And after dinner wimmy parents (Rico met them for the first time! Heh), we went to relive childhood - Arcade. Hahah. That's Rico and Bro!
That night, Jerica amazed Tinggy with her Bishi Bashi skills. It's a game, with 3 buttons - Red, Green and Blue and players have to hit the buttons according to game instructions. HOHOHO! Amazing right. =P After arcade, next stop was dessert at Selegie Bean Curd along Upper Serangoon Road! Tinggy had Grass Jelly with Atap Seeds, Bro had bean curd with tang yuan, which was same as what Dearico had ordered, and Jerica had Grass Jelly with Sea Coconut! Super lovely. The cold dessert trickling down your throat... Yummy yummy! =)))
After dessert, Tinggy invited Rico over to play monopoly! Hahhahs. I expected him to reject, since i thought he wudn't be interested. LOL. So in the end, we decided on a game of mahjong instead. Super idiot! Always hear him talking about mahjong with his friends; little did i know that he was such a pro! Tsk tsk. Hahah. I lost some $7+++? while he was the big winner that night. Haa. But I didn't hafta pay! Hehs. That's the advantage of playing with your dearie. LOL.
Sunday morning... Received a call from Chun and i knew i was deadmeat then. Cos I was supposed to meet him at 6.45am at Sembawang for wakeboarding session cum shooting session with the rest of the Club! Hahaha. To think i was still lying on my bed when he called; damn hilarious i tell you. Cos I remember i was so lost that i was so blur and huang zhang. Anyways, cabbed down despite the rain (Wasted cos it was a super nice weather to sleep in! Imagine you could snuggle up beside someone you love?!?!?!? Argh.) and busted some good $16. Haa. Serves me right.
Wad a weather! Didn't enjoy myself out at sea and the waters were not optimal. Didn't do for long, but i managed to improve on my side slide... Plus, i was travelling at quite a speed at some point in time! Hahahas. Never felt that kind of exhilaration before. Super shiok. =PPP
After lunch with my wakeboarding team at Sun Plaza, i went to meet Mr Tan at AMK. Knowing that he had always been coughing, i bought Honey Aloe Vera (I don't think it helps, but i had hoped it helped. Hee hee. Hope.) Yummy! My personal favourite. Hahah. at least, my favourite drink from medical halls. LOL.
When i passed it to him, he said "Dear I don't drink herbal tea one eh..."
"Try! It's super nice!"
Hope you enjoyed drinking it as much as i did! =)))
That day, we had a super important task... To buy an ice cream cake from Swensens for Tinggy! Hohoho. Yup. Plan was to surprise her at my house (she slept over)! So off we left, away from AMK and headed to Compasspoint, since the nearest Swensens outlet from my house was there... While waiting for bus 86 to come (my JC memories!), we cam-whored! Hohoho.
Happy with you, always! =)
This has got to be the most hilarious of all. Hees. Trying to "electrocute" each other. LOL.
I turned on my voltage, he too. =PPP
On a sadder note, my uncle passed away on Saturday night. Was classified as unnatural death, but not sure how the investigations are going.... Shall blog more in another sitting cos I want to talk more about death, but i'm tired!
And I did up a packing list for my Perth trip next week... Super excited! Realised to my horror that I had to apply for a Visa 2 weeks in advance before departure... But anw, i think this got settled after i applied for ETA online... *Phew!
Labels: Happy Weekend, Perth
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
I think i'm a little mad at times... I do stupid things and make myself happy in the proces...
Stupidly put Hospitality and Tourism Mgmt as my first choice and now having decided to go for Banking and Finance, I had to appeal.
And I succeeded. Hee. Hongli! Chiok! Let's plan our timetables together again!!!! muahahhas..
So for this morning, I had been in a pretty good mood. Dolly the appeal-in-charge, dropped me a confirmation email to inform me that my appeal had been granted. WHEE HEE HEE~
Luckily I did sufficiently well (barely scrapped past the cut off mark) in my Financial Management module to be considered for BAF. Give thanks with me.
Bye Hospi! Hi BAF! Little things that make me happy. elated. euphoric. whatever you call it. and yes, dearie tan says he's gonna
buy me a treat this weekend. WHEEEEEEEE!
Happier to know that we're meeting (initially had been tied down due to camps) and to countdown to Saturday... Muahahahs. December come quick! and my man will be a real man. ORD! =)))
This Saturday shall be another happening day! Gonna celebrate Ting ting's bday wimmy bro and all 4 of us shall have fun! Saturday come, quick quick!
Missing you! =P
Monday, 16 June 2008
Friday, 13 Jun 08
First cartoon/ animation (Kung fu Panda) shows watched in the cinemas - as far as i could remember, if you do not consider Enchanted to be an animation? Po was a fat and cuddly panda with saggy tummy that bounced as he walked. Cute! lols.
Perhaps it was the company that kept me rooted to my chair throughout the whole show. Haa. I'd still have preferred to watch thrillers, horrors, comedy, etc! =PPP The scarier, the better. That's Jerica for you. My mum had brought me up that way; i guess "this is why i'm weird (hot)". Bleahs.
Was sleeping on bf's comfortable shoulder on the bus when suddenly i felt a tap on my shoulder...
4 girls looked on from behind. My sec sch classmates! Goodness gracious. It was more of like, kind of paiseh. Haaa. Mr BF was super shy all of a sudden too. HAAAA.
Highlight of the day was the part when I made him super shy, when we were nearing my stop. Muahahahahs. [You know, I know.] Black Friday wasn't all too bad for both of us i guess?
Saturday, 14 Jun 08
Went Dbl O with Rico. He didn't want to go, but he had promised his friends that he would turn up, since he had been postponing from many weeks ago. I didn't know what he was exactly thinking, but I thought I'd say "let's go together!" Muahahahs. Remember the initial plan to club this week? I decided this week was the only week for me to club, since next weekend I would be away for NBS Seniors' camp, and the week following which (28 and 29th) was IVP - Inter Varsity Poly Wakeboarding Competition at Raffles Marina. And yes, the week after, I'd be feeding kangaroos and probably be busy snapping pictures of whatever things i see. =PPP
Dbl O wasn't too bad, but the temperature could be improved... Not much air there except at the staircase? Haaas. Oh yeah, before proper clubbing started, we had gone to Spize for dinner with my bestie Neer n her bf Ben! Hohoho. Because of what Jerica said to Ben the first time they met when he was still after Neer, Rico had to buy us dinner that night. HAAA. Thankkew ar! Hees.
Went back at around 2 plus. Reached home i guess was 4? Idiot BF said i was high after drinking lychee martini; i'd say he didn't see me when i was REALLY HIGH. And there's probably no chance for him to see that either, anyways. =P
Saturday was the day i got my Sony Ericsson G900!!! Super happy with the deal i got. Usual selling price without plans was $700 plus! Hohoho. I'm proud to be an owner of the phone... Traded in my lousy old phone, K630i, after some consideration, while it was still in working condition. It's like WTH, i only used the phone for 3 months at the most?
SE G900 is love! Check out its functions - there's 5.0 Megapixel camera, good camera functions that include the super flash light (despite not being a cyber shot), etc, the good sound system and the nice touch screen! Plus! it's kinda flat too! hees.
But the phone has got its down sides too, of which i shall not mention. Why? Cos i'm too lazy. Need to finish up the blog to do some SUPER IMPORTANT stuff. Call Mr Tan the superman.
Sunday, 15 Jun 08
Went wakeboarding today... ! At sembawang Pirates. And i managed my first lip slide ever! It was more of like an accidental stunt pulled, as I remember i had been trying to cut the wave to edge out to the left. And I now remember the feeling of riding on the waves while pulling Lipslide was SHIOK. Fun! Haa. But before long, "PIARCK!" Jerica prata-ed. SUPER PAINFUL i tell u! I remember i was having a headache immediately after i "landed" face down onto the water surface. OUCH.
Under Chun (Wakeboard President)'s constant encouragement and instructions, I tried again. Whee!!! This time i surfed the wakes, and managed to manoeuvre in and out of the wakes. Yippeeeeee!
Thought Mr Rico was angry wimme, cos I had hung up rather abruptly when my friends turned up and I didn't want to hold him on the line (He woke up to "accompany" me on the phone to Marina Square where I met my wakeboard friends to choose our competition apparels - Thank you that's very nice of you btw..). He didn't reply my messages!!!!
Until my phone rang, while i was in Chun's car, on the way to Suntec for the IT fair. Thanks Chun for the ride!!! Sorry that i hafta trouble you everytime (although i know there's a high possibility that you might not be reading this). Oh yeah, the phone rang and we realised that his phone was mad. Like my K630i.
"Dearie, it's an indication for you to change your phone la!"
Anyway, we went to the IT Fair together and dropped by at Ting's booth to say hi. She even suggested on asking me to play those games where u had to arrange the 9 tiles to form a proper picture from a scrambled piece? Decided not to in the end, cos so many people were watching! So stress! Haa. And yeah, we were meeting dearie's sbf (super best fren) Coreen. She bought a Sony VAIO! Pink somemore how nice la! Rich girl... Tsktsk...
Yup enjoyed myself thoroughly over the weekends, and yes! It's my last week at work at Integrated Communications Group!!! Hohoho. Time to train harder for IVP and get ready to feed kangaroos in July!!!
Jerica! =DDD
Happy happy mood. But i'm tired. Grrrrr.
Friday, 13 June 2008
Jerica is super happy today!!!
Received an email from NBS informing her of the option to do double specialisation (double major)... YAY! Something she had wanted to do all along, ever since day 1...
And yes, finally her dream came true! The going had been tough, for the option was only offered to students who have performed well in their first year of study... And she had mugged (even overnight with Ashley aka Laykoon), stopped clubbing (for almost 1 whole month!), subjected herself to strict regimen of revision (I say, it was REALLY strict), stopped shopping or even hanging out with her friends, to get the As she needed to pull up her GPA in order to do double majors... Her last sem was all Bs (B+s and Bs) - not enough to offer double specialisation!
Xie Tian Xie Di, Xie Xie Ni, Xie Xie Wo. Muahahaha.
So it all turned out that my hard work had paid off!!! Hope everything goes smooth for me! =)))
2nd specialisation is good. So many privileges! Not only can you diversify into more fields, you could also be given the priority to choose the modules you want to offer! Muahahahs. In such a case, I need not camp in front of the computer to play "fastest fingers" in the registration of modules. Muahahahahs.
And yes, 2nd major also means you do not need to clear another 20 Academic Units (AUs) under General Electives, since clearing another Major will require you to clear all 20 of the Prescribed Electives under the Core Modules (compulsory modules, die die also cannot fail types)... Wheeeeee!
But now, i'm stuck. Foolish me foolishly went to put Hospitality and Tourism Management (HTM) as my first choice of major, when what I decided I will take was Banking and Finance (BAF)! Grrrrrr. DIE. I hope and pray that my entry interview (for HTM) had been totally bad, such that I did not make the cut, and that I can be placed in my 2nd choice of major - BAF!
Oh no.... Spell "T.R.O.U.B.L.E" with me. =XXXxxxXXXX
And if I get get HTM as my 1st major, I MAY reject it, but may not necessarily get my 2nd choice of BAF as my 1st major (are you confused?); But in any case, if i really do get BAF as 1st major, I will most probably be going for Marketing as my 2nd major. Wheeeeee! But but but. Since HTM is only offered as a first major and is highly exclusive (with intake of only 40 students from previous batch), should I take HTM as 1st choice instead? Oh no! =SSS
Dilemma... Either I choose:
1st major - HTM, 2nd major - BAF, or
1st major - HTM, 2nd major - Marketing, or
1st major - BAF, 2nd major - Marketing
Other options for 2nd major being:
- Accountancy (I can't do accounting for others; I could barely account for myself!)
- Business Law (I love to argue my way, but logical thinking??? Possible option...)
- Human Resource Consulting (I'm currently working in HR and I think this sucks)
- Information Technology (I'm IT nuts. Out for me)
- Marketing (I love marketing! But this field of expertise is easily acquired... Need to complement something to raise my market value)
- Economics (I am not eligible for this because I opted to exempt myself having attained minimum requirements)
Help, friends!!! =PSPSPSPSPSPSP
Thursday, 12 June 2008
I feel so loved! Sorry for being so mad.... I hope you guys share my joy too!
Was out with Neer and Ben today! I had conveniently forgotten that my monthly cycle had proved to be an obstacle to wakebard, so had no choice but to skip training. OH NO! And yes, the competition is coming soon! 28th, 29th June 2008, at Raffles Marina Country Club (Oh it's not in Marina nor Raffles... it's in ... eh, Tuas. =S) Anyway, walked around and window-shopped about. Went to DFS and poump! Tiffany was the highlight of our shopping trip! ahahhas. Both Neer and I were so tempted to buy something from there! I think it's like every woman's wish to own something from there?
Blame it on my physique; my wrist wasn't cut out for wearing bracelets. Their signature Tiffany bracelet didn't suit me! So I was browsing around for their necklaces... Saw this Tiffany pendant with their brand name imprinted (or carved, or what?) on it - was tempted to buy it, not because it was exactly that fantastically beautiful, but because i was tempted to get something from there. Haaa. Lucky thing was, I didn't.
Yay! Jerica didn't splurge unnecessarily! Hohoho. Proud of myself. Hees. The sales lady was sooooooooooo persuasive that she almost made Ben buy the bracelet for Neer! Gosh. Can u imagine? Bad Salesperson.... *Shakes head*
Anyway, neer n ben had to leave for dinner at neer's cousin's house, so they left, while i continued shopping around the other boutiques in DFS. Saw this Burberry bag from Burberry (yes, Burb is love!) going at $600+, forgot the exact price, but i'm pretty much more convinced that DFS does sell their merchandise at a lower price, erms, other than Bottega Veneta? =) Had asked about their prices for handphone straps, lanyards... Handwoven lambskins!
And so, after shopping, Rico came to find me; and we went to Bugis for their Minced Meat Mee! Wohoho - it was yummy!!! =))) At one point, the uncle said something like, "Xiao mei, ba mao!" (Girl, 80 cents) so I told him to take his pick, to pluck my hair - "Ba Mao"... HAHA! Lame. Hehs. Then the crazy uncle seemed so happy that he was kinda announcing to the whole eatery that I allowed him to pluck my hair? OMGoodness. Why he so liddat?!?!?! Aiyo.
And i remember he was saying, "Later your bf beat me up ar! Must ask your bf for permission first!" And he burst into laughter. Like a cracked nut...
Jerica didn't know she could make an uncle so excited. MAD GUY. hahahas.
Anyway, Mr Darlie brought me for desserts after our dinner. Mango Sago! Lovely dessert, as sweet as him! Hees. While he was queuing for the order, I couldn't help but wonder... Will guys still be this nice after marriage? I often see wives buying food for their family. The husbands no longer do it... How sad...
*pushes that thought aside* Anyway, here're the pics we took together! =)))
My Mango Sago! Yummy yummy yummy!
*Slurps slurps*
"Why you take my photo...!"
(Jerica chuckles. Hiak Hiak...)
Spotted the Love? =)
[You remember the little things I said! About the wallpaper pose!]
Happy with you! Absolut-ly you you you!
Some more some more! Hees.
Shadows of you and me - Connected by Love.
Knowing that I was pretty much having lunches alone nowadays after my HR Manager was gone, Dearie Tan came to my office to have lunch with me on Tuesday! Cos he was on MC and the initial plan to lunch wimme on Monday was ruined by his wonderful OC who had asked him to book in... Muahahahs.
I don't know why; he is by far the only person who could hold my hands, without me feeling awkward (even though we were in the hawker centre; even though i was shy), and did i mention that I love the feeling of holding his hands? =)))
Mr Tan the "ever-so-smart" and "die-also-don't-want-to-say-die" man insisted he knew the way to my office, and that he wanted me to meet me at my office... Who knows, he was like blur blur, and so in the end the bus overshot the stop! hahahs. [See? Blur like sotong, still dare to say you're street smart. *Shakes head*] Haha, anyway, we went to a nearby hawker centre to eat the heavy noodles ("wanton" mee = "one-ton" mee)! Asked him to get some fried fritters (you tiaos) for his mummy but he didn't... Why so liddat?!?!?!? Hahahahs. joking =P
After filling our tummies, we went to this CK departmental store in chinatown and i got my shower foam! Smells nice! Ooooh, i love! Wahahahs. Extra incentive for me to bathe xiang xiang. Haaa.
With much loves fluttering in me, the time came for me to go back to work. Awwwww... How sad. But well, not as though i won't see him again! hahas. yup so after buying guava from a stall (and this irritating uncle without any EQ at all made Mr Nice so mad), dearie tan sent me back to office before he went to collect his PSP...
So the time passed with me busying myself while covering recpetion duties for one of my colleague who was involved in Orientation Programme, being a new hire. And the ONLY time i had enjoyed my time there was...
(Jerica's phone rang and she picked it up)
"Baby, look outside your office..."
"Ar? Why? Nothing what..."
And for a fleeting second, I caught sight of that man walking past my office...
That was such a happy sight; the sight when he walked past! Darlie never fails to bring me smiles whenever i see him...
Is this the honeymoon period? I don't know. But I know we'll make this last. It will, if you hold true to your faith!
Like no others...
Monday, 9 June 2008
Preparation started Friday night... Nono. Thursday night. Went to source for ingredients needed for the cheesecake and jelly i was gonna make for him. Muahahahas. Things get so fun when you're making things for ... Him! =) You know you're in love when nothing gets you down; when even the toughest chore (of whipping the cream and cheese) makes you smile... Just cos it's all for him...

Ingredients for the Cheesecake!
Fri night was spent making the cheesecake, as he was coming to fetch me at 12pm on Saturday. Cheesecake needed some good amount of time to set, so I decided I should start preparing on Friday. Muhahahas. In the end, it didn't come out the way i wanted; the way i made for bestie Neer the previous time simply because my shifu (my sis) wasn't ard, and the recipe she lent me was lost and i had used other recipes. And yes! Jerica's not a good cook. Haa. But I will learn! Hees. =X Anyway, all the disappointment from the failure of the cheesecake dissolved when I saw him!
I walked down the stairs, trying to be naughty by not taking the lift (and yes, i stay on the 12th storey). Who knows, (and God knows why) he was already on the 8 or 9th storey waiting for me!!! OMGoodness. How did he find out?!?!?! Shucks. I'm getting too predictable for him. Muahahahs.
That Saturday, I got the first love letter from him. HAA. Being an art student, he drew a Doraemon for me! I never knew how to draw Doraemon. I only knew how to draw Doraemons that don't-look-a-wee-bit-like-Doraemon. Hehs. My darlie is love! Thanks alot for ur effort! Muahahaha. =)))
The 1st Love Letter - More to come right? =P
And yes! I decided to make my work desk a little much more interesting, a little more exciting to look forward to, by .......... Hee Hee. Can you spot it? =)

My Work Desk at Integrated Communications Group
Muahahahs. Next stop, after he devoured his jelly, we went to Kovan to do highlights for my hair. That's not all! muahahhas. Little known to him, I had a surprise planned for him - to introduce Ting Ting (my brother's girlfriend and my almost-there confidante) to him and make him super paiseh! I was laughing HYSTERICALLY (literally) at this particular point in time when I realised Ting was super pro in acting and that Rico still didn't know what was in store for him - she could pretend everything was normal; I could not suppress my outburst so for a good 1 or 2 minutes, I was laughing like a mad girl... Errr. Heh. That's me. =P
Anyway, my brother came in to join his girl in her rebonding while Rico and I left after i did my highlighting. Rico got even more shy when my brother walked in. Hehs =P Mission accomplished! Norty gurls with wacky ideas. Muahahahs.
Ok, well well well. After which, we went to my Outram area for lunch - their yummy Wanton Mee along Keong Saik! Their char siew is ... lovely! Ok, but to those who dare not eat fats, this wudn't be a place for you. Cos their char siew is kinda fatty. Oops. Introduced the area around my workplace to dearie and brought him to my office. HAA.
After lunch, we proceeded on to City Hall! He introduced his SBF - super best fren Coreen to me, who was working at Mphorsis at City Link Mall. How coincidental that i have a BFFF (Best Funny Fren Forever) by the name of Kareen, which sounds perfectly like Coreen too! Haa. Not too sure why, but I guess Coreen was pretty friendly! Very norty and cute lady... =) Did not feel any awkwardness that I had expected. And to think we even ganged up together to attack his Archille's heels! Haaaa. (of which shall remain a secret. mohohoho)
And after bidding farewell, we went over to Marina to get the tickets for Sex and The City (lovely show which subtly portrays the various perceptions of Love), did some shopping and I brought him to Aglio Olio for dinner! Aglio Olio at Murray St (the one which i always patronise) had moved due to some re-development plans, so I had no choice but to bring him to the one at China Square Central. My seafood olio was nice! Whee hee hee. Which was to my surprise, as I had been super nauseous and traumatised from the Escargots my manager had treated me to previously. Ewwwwww. I will never try any weird food again. The thought of eating something slimy was... (YUCKS yucks and still yucks!) But well, I had decided to challenge my limits while still young. Hee. =P And yes! The company was nice too! When the pasta was left with only the prawn, I cleared my throat on purpose (hee hee) and Nr Gentleman skilfully removed the shells for me! *awww... I do admire guys who do such little stuffs for girls - makes me feel so pampered! Haa. =] Or, maybe he could guess I was too clumsy to remove the shells on my own without the prawn flying out? Haa.
More points for you! Hees.
Rico the happy man!
Lovely chicken wings, pasta and soup kept us satisfied!
(Jeri acting irritated. Haa)
And I brought him to the sacred place -
Uncovered by chance, known only to a few people who're special to me...!

Overlooking Esplanade, Singapore Flyer, Swissotel the Stamford, Fullerton, Supreme Court, Parliament House, etc... Lovely sight to behold!
While strolling back to Marina for our midnight show, he popped the question. Right at my favourite place - Esplanade! It was veritably a dream come true. Oh yes, the funny thing was, I kinda guessed that he was gonna ask. And I had placed my folded heart in his wallet (which was in my bag) when i found an excuse to use the ladies. Heee. So when he asked, I replied "If only you could fold the double-hearts from a single note". And so, he went to buy drinks and tried getting the paper bills, sadly to no avail... So we were walking along with me giggling inside (ok, probably outside too), while he was probably thinking where he could get the paper notes for him to fold the double-hearts.
"Take out your wallet and see if you have any paper notes in there?"
He whipped out his wallet and started searching. And found the neatly folded double-hearts sitting in the bill compartment.
"So... This means?"
I blushed and smiled. THAT IDIOT. And so... "Means... You're mine from now! Haa haa haa", I quipped with a wide grin, while trying hard to conceal my embarassement. So ta-dah! Our love story began, like a fairy tale unfolding. =)))))
It helped matters that there wasn't any physical attachment or obligation that contributed to us agreeing to be together (we kept our hands to ourselves!); the fact that we could mutually come to an agreement... this mattered alot to me. It's like... we achieved something TOGETHER isn't it darlie! =) Hees.
Spread the love people!
The things we do together,
the laughter we share,
the times we tease and disturb each other, always attempting to make each other blush,
the strolls we took together, hand in hand...
"Thank God I found you!"
I was alone... until you came along...
Thanks for all that you have given me!
Labels: Love, Sweets
Friday, 6 June 2008
It will be a day of surprises!!! Hohoho...
another 18 hours approximately!And I'll be seeing you you you you you! ABSOLUT-LY YOU!!!
i noe u're as excited as i am. HAHA. watch out behind when u're walking along the streets =P *Evil chuckles* Hiak hiak hiak. Hohoho.
I'm feeling the LOVE!
Things are gonna get so exciting!!! hohoho.
Random, happy, mood up-swing and loved. simple words that reflect my feelings right now... Wheeee!
No more PMS, cos it's here. HAHA.
Sis is gonna miss her convocation in july (so will my parents) cos she has just been sent by her company Oracle to work in KL for 2 weeks or 2 mths! Madness. Slogged so hard for a second-upper honours and now she will be missing out on her convocation. There goes a worthy event for our family to reunite and pride ourselves on, being the first graduate in our Zhang family! hahahah.
What a pity.
Jeri's excited for what's gonna happen tomorrow! =) Not only because she's gonna add some highlights to her now-dull hair, she's gonna plant surprises for RT! Hehs. Watching how the surprises unfold will be exciting to her. HAA.
There had been some sad times - of fallen souls and traumatising memories from the past; but she has learnt to get back up on her feet. And now she's enjoying every moment!
IMY Dearie Tan! =P
Wednesday, 4 June 2008
It hurts the most when it hurts no longer.
When the truth hurts, would you keep it from somebody who had to know, or would you be totally honest and... confess?
When you knew it was nothing but a past, would you move on, or would you find yourself rethinking of same issues?
Somebody, teach me how to pretend nothing's happened...
Somebody, take my hands and guide me through...
Somebody, protect me from the perils of the trusting the wrong ones...
Struggling to get out of what I hoped to be a nightmare...
But the truth is in fact, the truth. No use hiding from anyone. No use putting up a false front.
Random thoughts gushing in; it's impossible to journalise in entirety.
Can you hear my pleas, my fears and sense my tears...? Will you give me the assurance I need?
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
California PsychicsWe all know what it's like to go shopping and try on loads of different clothes to no avail, but when that one item fits like it was made for you, you snatch it up! Dating can seem like an unsuccessful shopping expedition but when you meet that special someone, it just fits and you both know it. Try these ten signs on for size and see if you've met your match.
You can't explain it, but cupid's arrow hit hard and you are mad about this person. They are the most beautiful being you've ever known and you can't wait to learn everything about them. Sparks are flying but you also feel a connection that is comfortable and familiar... almost like you already know them (and maybe you do from a past life). You feel at ease with them and passionate all at once. Cupid gets a raise!
Though you desire each other endlessly you also have a harmonious relationship in which you find intellectual and emotional stimulation. As the cliché goes, not just your lover but your friend (Pina coladas and getting caught in the rain, anyone?). You, quote, "simply enjoy time together in a myriad of ways". No ruts, couch potatoes or bar flies here of course - TV nights and a drink are fun here and there but you have so many other things to do together, you've had to Tivo the last five episodes of your favorite program.
Respect and compromise
We all get consumed by the flames of passion, but true love also means mutual respect. Do you respect each other's time? Maybe you have very different careers or interests. Maybe your schedules are night and day but treating each other with respect and taking each other's needs into account is key. Compromise is par for the course but compromise that is respectful to both parties. If you need the United Nations to settle your disagreements, then maybe it's not your ideal match.
So you respect their time - now do you make time for them and vice versa? It seems like with more ways of communicating these days - the Internet, text, cell, instant messaging - people have a fast food sense of connecting. Your sweetie not only makes time to pick up the phone and have a real conversation but when they see you, they're not sending texts and taking calls the whole time. It takes quality time to make a quality relationship work.
Throughout history... painters, writers and musicians have created masterpieces, written sonnets and symphonies inspired by their muse. Now you don't have to be Picasso or Mozart, but if they make you want to try and rhyme a couple of lines (or at least buy them a card with a poem in it) or sing a romantic tune, then maybe you've found your muse in this inspiring match.
Remember Jack Nicholson's famous line in As Good As It Gets - "You make me want to be a better man"? Does your significant other make you want to grow and be a better person for yourself and for the relationship? True love is also love for ourselves and being our best so we can be fully present with others. If you keep evolving so will your relationship.
When you've met the right person, you know you can share your vulnerabilities with them. Not only can you laugh together but you can cry with each other and feel at ease. A good match is not just a fair weather date but someone who can handle the ups and downs that inevitably occur. If so, go ahead and break out the tissues for your Saturday night movie!
When you see each other, you bring a smile to each other's faces. Even at the end of a bad day, one look from your special someone has you relaxing already. You make each other laugh and you have a good sense of humor about the relationship. Laughter can get you through a lot because even when you're perfect together, life still poses challenges -but if you can deal with them as a couple and still make each other smile, you have better staying power even when Mercury goes retrograde.
Au natural
That same fox or vixen you saw on the town last night sometimes wears sweat pants and a t-shirt sans deodorant. Does their natural scent make you want to pounce on them or break open the fire hydrant? Scent is a driving force in attraction. Get past the clouds of perfume and cologne and find an even better smell that you'd like to bottle….your nose knows best!
Family and friends
Usually your friends and family know you better than you think they do and often times, they know when they see a good match for you. If your dates are always garnering disapproval but this one has them raving….it's definitely a good sign. Does your match get along with your friends and are they eager to be closer to you by being closer to your network? If your date can break open a beer with your buddies or do brunch with your friends, maybe they'll be calling your parents mom and dad... someday.
Of course, one or more of the above signs will garner an interesting pair, but for your best match, find all ten and see if Cupid gets a Christmas (er, Valentine's Day) bonus.
Monday, 2 June 2008
*Whenever you call - Mariah Carey*
Love wandered inside
Stronger than you
Stronger than I
And now that it has begun
We cannot turn back
We can only turn into one
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
And I'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch your fall
Whenever you call
And I'm truly inspired
Finding my soul
There in your eyes
And you
Have opened my heart
And lifted me inside
By showing me yourself
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
And I'll always remember
The part of you so tender
I'll be the one to catch your fall
Whenever you call
And I will breathe for you each day
Comfort you through all the pain
Gently kiss your fears away
You can turn to me and cry
Always understand that I
Give you all I have inside
I won't ever be too far away to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
I won't ever be too far to feel you
And I won't hesitate at all
Whenever you call
I'll always remember
That part of you so tender
And be the one to catch your fall
Whenever you call
*Lovely melody, words from the wonderful voice like no other...
Most importantly, the lyrics mirror what i feel, towards you. Yes, you.*
Labels: Love, Sentimentals