Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Happened to chance upon a blog today...
In the blog, I came to know about how a couple who were almost gonna get married, who were gonna live happily ever after, who were so so comfortable with each other that mentioning one would mean the other being torn apart by the cruelty of Fate.
The emotions that were conveyed through her words; the sadness and helplessness experienced by the lady in question (the blog owner); the pain that seared through her heart... when she received notice that her boyfriend (or soon-to-be hubby) died in his training overseas...
it's ... OUCH
This brings us to the point of cherishing your loved ones who have been with you through your ups and downs, who have been the ones bringing much joys and happiness... For nobody knows what happens tomorrow...
Please, love and make it known that you really love those who matter to you, for no one knows what happens tomorrow... Cornily-speaking, what if, tomorrow never comes...?
May all of us learn to have the ability to not take things for granted, for many a time, we have grown too accustomed to things happening in the ways we want them to, so much so that we overlook the fact that things do happen because some guardian angels around us made them happen...
May all of us have greater integrity to be true to what we beseech, to have no fear in holding on to the truths, to be upfront in how we feel towards others...
And not forgetting, may the lady owner of the above-mentioned blog find true strength in overcoming the pain of losing someone so dear, so close and so once-hers...
Monday, 21 July 2008
Saw this following from Drey's blog and i think it's very meaningful...
evil will not have its way.
things will be restored to their rightful place.
the lost will be found
and the brokenhearted will be overwhelmed once again
by His love.
evil will not thrive,
it will soon fade away
like withered grass.
How strong is your faith?
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Phuture with one of my JC besties, Ashley (Lay Koon)! Had kinda promised to go together before school term starts and before we getting busy with our lives as students again, so yups. Funny thing was, we found ourselves having to fend off weird peoples who were trying so desperately to chat ladies up. Yucks. This particular guy was saying things like, "I'm not those kind who come to clubs to fish for ladies" and Ashley told me she'd retorted curtly, "So what are you doing now?"
If i were her, i probably would have said, "So you mean you're not fishing but sleeping now hur? Not fishing, yeah right. How convenient." And all the while this guy had his hands trying to reach for our waists. Despite us backing off and demanding he back off. To hell with him, if he thought we were some loose women? At some point in time I couldn't be bothered with even listening to what he was saying. That's me. I don't pay attention to things i'm not interested in. Take it, or leave it. Haa. So poor Ashley was like trying to reject his advances but being nice, still.
Throughout the whole night, I was giggling away and laughing. God knows whether it was the Bacardi Breezer (Yes i get high on even like 4% alcoholic drinks) or for some other reasons, like maybe too happy to be with Ashley again, I was laughing out loud pretty frequently. HAAA. Do you, hear my laughter? =P
Mr Dearico waited up for me again, to reach home safely before he slept. Not entirely so this time perhaps, since he had guard duty to do at 6am... Had asked him to turn in without me but he said he wanted to wait... Much as I think this is sweet, I feel kinda bad to make him stay up too! Grrrr. Wasn't really happy that I club so regularly in recent days (the previous time i went was Saturday) and i actually feel quite uncomfortable at the situation too. On one hand, this was probably gonna be the last week to enjoy carefree-ly, on the other hand, i had been spending quite alot recently too. Bad bad bad... Damage level for latest Gucci acquisition was enough to set me off for a month i guess! Muahahhas.
For me, i never believed in restricting someone, and neither do i want anybody to restrict me. If you don't want me to do something, I gotta know WHY i can't do it and not WHAT i can't do; so thanks for making me see clearly how much i had been spending... It helps. And yes, my asset balances promises you with assurances that this shall be the last time, at least for this month. Bleah. Bad bad bad.
ANW, never fail to enjoy clubbing with Ash, cos she's someone who can really dance without reservations! Perhaps, dancers like her (she's learning Reggaeton - is that how you spell?) will move naturally to the beats of music. It's like, a natural thing for dancers. Innate. Haa. Thanks for the great clubbing company and it's always nice hearing about her perspectives on certain issues! =)))
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Met Rico's mummy and daddy for the first time. Although it was the first ever MTP (Meet-The-Parents) for Jerica, his mum was a pretty friendly lady fortunately! Not like some smile?-over-my-dead-body kind of mummies i saw from dramas. LOL. She cracked a lame joke on her 1st sentence after i entered the house and set the mood for the rest of the visit, and managed another one in her 2nd sentence. POWER, i say. Haaa. Was at his house doing scrap book for mum and Jac (for their bdays!) for the whole afternoon. Went to Thomson area for dinner, and had the platter (with quantities of food too much for the both of us) at clarity cafe. He introduced me to Icekimo situated beside Coreen's block and the Cookies and Chocolate was lovely decadence! The other flavour of Blueberry Cheesecake wasn't as good as i had expected, but who cares? Contented is Jerica! Haaa. Oh well, finally did the skeletal work for mummy's scrapbook by around 9-ish?
I so love their rainbow colours! Happy hues! =)
Amazing things happened on our way back home. Amazing feat. Seriously.
Friday, 18 July 2008
Chomp Chomp at S'goon Garden with Mum, Ting and Bro. Split the expenses with Kor. Bro's getting more and more financially independent i gather? Trying his best to survive on his meagre pay from the govt. which is pretty cool. Guys like that are cool. Muahhaha. Love family days (or rather, dinners) like this, since we seldom had the time to sit down and have meals together for each of us have our own agendas!
Mum seems to be a little stressed out over work recently. Apathetic supervisors, cold and unfeeling. Tsktsk. Why so liddat? It's seriously a waste mummy had to give up on her studies in the past so that my uncle could get a chance at studying (what a great sacrifice!); else she would be a super woman probably managing MNCs! But well, she is still a superwoman in my heart! =))) Love you mama! Hee...
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Rico arrived at my void deck with lovely Eclairs in hand! Sweet sweet. Yummy yum yum! hahahs. Went to my old house at S'goon JC there in Hougang for their Lor Mee, something that i suddenly had a craving for (as opposed to Dearico's promising to bring me to Jalan Kayu for breakfast before work at his sis' company). Whee! Glad my tastebuds caught hold of the lor mee's taste again; would be even better if i could visit my old house again ( I really miss the old days when i woke up on weekend mornings to da bao food from the kpt downstairs home and watch TV as I tuck in. Joy!)
Highlight of day was ... Jac's bday celebration, where we had dinner at Crystal Jade Ginseng Chicken & BBQ at Centrepoint. Jas Ben, Jac BH, Neer Ben, Jeri Rico were present. What a gathering! Haaaa. Enjoyed myself lots with all the jokes and laughters...! Not to forget, Sihui dropped by in the earlier part too, but had to go back to LWSSOM (Lee Wei Song School of Music) soon after. Super fun dinner with the lovely company and seriously, the food was great! LARGE servings too, except for the soup (which Kareen and I liked so much). Or was it that the law of diminishing marginal returns had a chance to set in for the other food in larger quantities? Hee. Me and my Econs. Muahhahas. And yes, how i miss Econs...
Told myself to start studying/ revising my FM again for BAF modules come school term this coming Aug, since i had barely scraped through the module (last minute crammings) with a B+, but couldn't seem to find time. It's like, i'm living in a slow-pace life. How nice, like Perthy Perth! =)))
Went for midnight movie (Hancock) at Cine. Rico had to attend other friend's bday celebration at Dbl O so off he went. How sad... But then again, if he had chosen to leave his bunk mates, tongues will start wagging and tales would spin. Something both of us do not want... And the opportunity costs of leaving for him was ... Aww Gawd... The loneliness of being the "Single" could have driven me nuts if not for my besties to chat wimme every now n then despite them all being in pairs. Haa. Thanks for not forgetting me dears!
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Woke up like 7+ or 8 to get prepared for Mum's Bday celebration! Was like a family gathering, together with Uncle & family =) Ting and Bro, Jeri and Rico, Daddy and Mummy, Uncle and Auntie, Trillium and Tavis at the River City Restaurant at Excelsior Hotel beside Funan. How nice! Both Trillium and Tavis are still super cute! And super smart too. Trillium's gonna enrol in Rosyth soon and Tavis the ever-so-entertaining baby always tries to make us laugh with his funny antics! Lol. Disturbing gurls (little gurls seated in baby stools) and playing with the Startbursts i got for them, etc... You name it! Haa.
This brings us to the topic of child's innocence... Something i wish i could have again! How nice to think that when your teeth drops, fairies will come after you place the teeth under your pillow; how nice to indulge (and laugh REALLY heartily) just by playing Scissors, Paper, Stone with your daddy, how nice...
Yes how nice... *Struggles to come back to reality of growing up...* At this point in time, think back and recall one thing you did in the past - one really innocent act. Isn't it fun to reminisce on the past and laugh at the silly things done, the crazy things said?
ANW, Karaoke was up next, after savouring (read stuffing ourselves with) all the Har Gaos, Xiao Long Baos, etc etc etc... but poor Jerica couldn't stay on for the fun! Wad a waste... Had tuition in the evening and had figured out that it would be a waste if we went, since it would be only a few (maybe 1) hour(s) more? So JeRico popped by Citylink, Suntec and basically strolled around! Muahahahs.
Ding dong him tried to piggy back me while on the escalator and I wasn't totally prepared so the position wasn't right... So poor Jerica suffered some injuries (temporary) on her you-know-where. HAA.
Fun day afterall, albeit tiring. Love Family Sundays like this! =)))
Ting ting (in green) loves me. Hehs. L-R: Aunt Jacine, Jeri, Ting, Mummy!

Daddy and Mummy: Everlasting Love Love ok! =)))And I asked Dad to use the bouquet Rico bought for me to give mum the fluttery feel (of receiving flowers) again. LOL. BTW, you spotted my bro in his yellow boxers? haha.
Saturday, 19 July 2008
Life is full of ups and downs. Same goes for relationships...
If given a chance, would you rather your life be smooth sailing throughout, without the downs?
How then, would you be able to appreciate the ups, the happy moments when they come by?How then, would you know that certain ways just do not work, and that there are better ways to make things work?How then, would you know that Joy has come to you when you thought all were lost?Cherish and be appreciative, they're key. There's no magical formula to a successful relationship or Life. Give thanks and indulge in the little joys you find around you every other day, and you shall find yourself a happier person! =)
Am I living in the Present, the Past, or the Future?
Maybe it's time to take a step back.
I'm so selfish,
i'm so scared of getting hurt
that in the process of trying to protect my heart,
i hurt others...
I feel the immense guilt of making others cry,
but all i had wanted was to cry in your arms...
i'm sorry...
Cry, when the pain comes, so that the pain goes.
Cry, so that you let go of hidden feelings;
of suppressed hurts,
without hurting other parties.
Was it too much love that stifles?
Was it out of habit, or was it really, LOVE?
Labels: apology, cherish, Life
Friday, 18 July 2008
12 July marks the day we had set aside to celebrate our first month together... It started off with a supposedly-surprise pop-up over at my place - He had planned to catch me in my pyjamas. But too bad, Jerica (despite having clubbed the night before) had woke up early to prepare a surprise powerpoint presentation for him, so his first plan to catch me with messed-up hair, sleepy eyes in my snow white and 7 dwarfs (either that or "pork chop and friends") PJ failed.
Just as i was done bathing and brushing my hair, Rico told me, "Dear, can you open your door for your boyfriend?" ... Oh my goodness, i was so-not-done with dressing up yet! =.=" So his plan kinda worked in a sense? LOL.
Mr Tan appeared with a super red box containing a book "The Not-So-Perfect Man ... Might just be your Mr Right", a bottle containing pills - except there were messages in each of the pills, written by Mr Tan with much patience, patience and more patience, a lovely card with his drawings and another drawing of a couple hugging each other - as though immersed in an indulgent sashay under the stars (or was it my vivid imagination? hahah); those drawings done with much painstaking efforts... Much appreciated, thank you Dearico!
The book was extra meaningful for both of us, as initially i hadn't thought of him as a potential lover for me... But well, as what the book suggests, the not-so-perfect man could jolly well be the Mr Right. =P And the bottle of pills were sweet too! Bet it took alot of his patience to unroll each piece inside the capsules, write on them in a small handwriting, roll them back and then put them in the capsules again... Would I have such patience? Maybe not la! Gosh. Oh, but i did unroll each to read... Patient right! Haaa. Though the messages were mushy, they were really sweet, hehs. Thankkew once again!
Muahahhas. Throughout the whole time he was at my house, I was super shy; i dunno why! I'd blushed all the way to London (it's Jiali and Karen's lingo); I was so scared and was wondering the whole time what was in store for me! hahahas. Funny funny!
And after Jerica showed him his surprise powerpoint, she whipped out her Gucci necklace she'd bought the day before at Paragon (It's her advance birthday gift for herself!)... And asked him to put it on for her. *winks.
Next up was Beach Road, where most army guys go, for their Chilli Mee (which was essentially Pork Ribs Prawn Mee and he knows i super love eating noodles, a whole lot more than rice) which was super nice! =))) And then while i was trying to finish up my mee (he always finishes his way before i do), he went to get FONDUE! Muahaha. Fondue at hawker centre was a first for me! Haa. And it was delicious... Yummy! Dark Chocolates are love. =PPP Their waffles are superb; you should try it for yourself! Better than any others i've ever tried before... Hees. And it's a surprise the ice cream they serve there is actually comparable to ice cream parlours, with sorbet-like flavours!
Indulgent feast thereafter, we went to town for (window) shopping! Wheeeee... We walked around town and Mr Tan saw so many things he wanted but decided it probably wasn't time to splurge without doing proper planning of finances? Now that's what i call MAN - being financially independent and planning for the future. Hee.
Camwhoring at Paragon
By the time we went to find his SBF Coreen to pass my Perth gifts "for her to her", it was like, 7-ish? And throughout the whole time i was there, she kept trying to open the box of the present i got for her, to no avail. LOL! Funny gurl she is. Haa. At around 8-ish, i was chased off, cos both of them ganged up and told me "Food court going to close dy", all the while trying to hoodwink me into believing that we were going to dine at food court.
It was not the case; Dearico had grabbed my hand and brought me to Rakuzen, where we had dined on our very first date! And the surprising thing was, he had reserved the exact table where we had sat on our first date. Amazingly meticulous isn't it. It's really such sweet little things that i'm so wow! over him! Haa.
The food wasn't exactly delicious and Jerica had tried Sukiyaki Beef while the man had ordered for Unagi (again). Never will Jerica order for Sukiyaki again i guess? Both times (first at Nihon Mura and 2nd at Rakuzen) proved that Jerica doesn't quite appreciate the after-taste of Sukiyaki. Velly bad (Very bad). *Tsk tsk. Haaa.
We strolled to my favourite spots, Esplanade and Cavenagh Bridge... Whee! It was like a fairytale coming true! Things that I never thought of happening to me did come true and boy, maybe fairy godmothers do indeed exist? LOL.

Dearico was super tired before long and so, we went off in a cab... The greatest surprise came staring right at my face when i reached home and stepped into my room... ...
There was a bouquet of roses planted on my bed! What an amazing feat! I pretended not to see it and called him to accompany him home.
R: "Where are you?"
J: "In my room lor."
R: "On the lights already?"
(Pretending normal when in fact, her heart was all melted at the sight of flowers)
J: "On dy lo. Even on the air con dy... Why?"
MUAHAHAHAS. And I burst out laughing. Hee hee. He had asked Ting ting and my bro to help him with the flowers! How sweet la, seriously. Awwww. I think he must have read many fairytales before! haaha. And yes, gurls do love being treated like princesses. And i was like one that day! =)))
Thanks for making our 1st month celebration such a memorable one!
And this is drawn by him, one of the drawings i feel a great deal for...
Even though there may be times
It seems I'm far away
Never wonder where I am
'Cause I am always by your side...
Friday, 11 July 2008
Caught the following from one of my friends' blog (changed a lil' bit) and i can't help but ponder over it... It seems so well-written and ... of losses and perhaps some pain and heartaches... If you're the owner of this my friend, please know that you still have me as a listening ear, and that it's good to be strong, but it's good to also cry out at times!
we might have been, less than perfect.
and even though its gone i know, it was worth it.
scenes, from broken dreams begin to pass by, as i turn off the lights for the last time.
it's no surprise, i won't be here tomorrow. i can't believe that i stayed till today.
there's nothing here in this heart left to borrow; there's nothing left in my soul.
the one embrace that no one knows; favourite places that i used to go; the whisperings before i sleep -
either wrong or right is memory, so don't write away those memories.
there's so much i have to say.
don't cry, just say goodbye, now its over.
Wednesday, 9 July 2008
So day 7 (7th July 08) concludes my Perth trip... Finally, i'm back to the familiar sights of Singapore Changi Airport; of rushing people obsessed in their quickened pace of life; of Chinese, Malays, Indians and many more; of my loved ones and their smiles and laughters; of ... ... ...
After trying to register for my subjects online within the specific duration for us to do so to some disappointment (i didn't manage to get the slots i wanted!!! Grrr. no vancancy at all. What a system we have ard here!), Drey drove me over to do some last minute shopping (partly for me to use up some loose notes i have and for her to grab pandan leaves to eradicate cockroaches from her car), we went to UWA (University of Western Australia) where Audrey is currently studying in and where Australians covet to be in since it is the state university to pick maple leaves! Hohoho. SG dusen haf maple leaves and i thought it'll be good if i cud pick some back! =)
The lovely colours in UWA
We checked in my luggage together (which weighs 18-ish kgs) - i went with 1 bag of 6-ish kg and came back with another 12-ish kgs! Hahaaha. Thanks to drey who lent me her big big luggage bag, else i wud haf to buy another bag i reckon? And yes, before going thru the departure gate at approx. 3pm, we cam-whored together and i gave her a big big hug! Haaaa.
More about this lovely friend of mine...
She has a super natural ability! And she herself knows best. Heh. When she sleeps, she can totally ignore her surroundings! I remember several days when we had to wake up earlier and her alarm clock could ring for the longest time and she would still be soundly asleep... Tadah! Pro. Hees. For me, my super natural ability is that i talk in my sleep. HAAA! Imagine her telling me about our "conversation" the next day! Both of us laughed and laughed. And yes! I managed to steal a picture of her while she was sleeping. HAHA.
And yes, we will keep these lovely memories. Thanks for creating such wonderful memories for me! Am sure they will be deeply ingrained in me for many many more years to come. And be all the more convinced, cos this is the first time i flew in the air (I super love the taking off and landing parts, cos they're lyk roller coaster rides), and flying alone at that! I think i'm super brave, but my mummy says i'm mad and very naughty (I only told her i'm flying alone after i bought the air tickets). HAA. That's Jerica for you! =P

And i almost forgot to mention that the Australian Customs threw away the present i bought for Mr Rico Tan........ =((((((((((((((((( SO SAD!!! Cos it was sharp and they said could be a potential weapon and so they demanded for it to be thrown away.
Ok, anw, so i boarded the plane (after the disappointment), with much anticipation to touch down in SG as soon as possible! Hahahas. This time, i was pretty much familiar with how things wud be lyk, and i had planned what shows to watch - Mr Bean. And this time, i didn't doze off during the show (entirely) so i managed to continue on Mr Bean, 2 episodes of CSI, 10,000 BC (I fast-forwarded quite a fair share), listened to 2 CDs (Nelly Furtado and Fergie), gone to the toilet twice (i think), caught forty winks, etc etc etc.

From Perth Airport... 
Cam whoring on board. Hehs.
Oh yes, much as i was looking forward to the meal onboard, this time i was a little disappointed. It wasn't nice! Grrr. Some plain veggies and rice without any gravy (and when i say it sucks, it really does, cos i'm not a fussy eater and i dun usually complain). Oh! The chicken in oyster sauce was great though. Much like SG food. Haaa. Yummy yum yum! This time, they served cheese with crackers, but the Sling (ice cream) this time was not as good as the Magnum i enjoyed so much when i flew to Perth. Awww.
My Meal on Qantas QF71 back to Sing!
I caught the sunset in the skies yesterday! A pity i was sitting on the other side which was not facing the sun. Else I gather the sunset would have been much more splendid! Nevertheless, i saw the orange dimming and the darkness looming in, and the myriad of shades atop of the sky blue was simply love! Took some pictures, but nah, they didn't really capture the essence of the sunset itself. And when night fell, the stars were evident!!! How lovely. Very nice indeed. Too bad i was alone and had nobody to share my awe at that very moment. But well, i'm glad i did manage to catch those sights - no regrets! =)))
Sunset from the skies
Anw, actually i cud haf reached SG lyk 20 mins earlier? But when we were about 30 mins away, the plane circulated in the air (I had turned on the Flight Route, a feature in their Entertainment System which was lyk their GPS of sorts, cos i was plain bored after watching whatever i was interested in watching). And when we were reaching SG, about 10 mins away, the plane did a big round again. Probably to avoid some turbulence maybe? Heard that SG had rained in the afternoon or evening yesterday, so that cud be the reason. And so i was amazed with how to drive a plane! i want to fly a plane too! But too bad, i'm short sighted. haha.
A funny thing happened after i touched down! Went to get immigration clearance and after shopping at DFS, i proceeded to collect my luggage. Waited super patiently for my luggage to appear from the belts, but after 10 mins or so, i realised something was amiss; had i missed my luggage? Did they take away my luggage? All the funny thoughts came to me until i looked up at the signage and saw that i was waiting at the Emirates flight belt.
Goodness Gracious.
Haha! So how glad i was when i managed to get my luggage and go home sweet home! Hees. Whee hee hee. Muahahahs. Reached home at around 10-ish? And did my laundry, unpacking of souvenirs, etc... And tadah!!! These were my steals from Perth! hohoho. With almost 80% being Food Food and more food! LOL. And not to forget, my favourite shopping item of Shoes! Heee.
3 more pairs of shoes, many more food and many more clothes! Jerica is one happy gurl!
Am really glad for this holiday experience, and i am definitely glad to be home once again, and back on the grounds of SG! =))) With much night life and safe streets, I feel so home and at ease! The familiarity... But it's also good to travel abroad at times! Helps you become more independent yeah =P Hohoho!
With much loves!
Jerica =DDD
Labels: Holiday, Perth, Qantas
Monday, 7 July 2008
Happy 1st month Dearie Tan!
Hohoho. Spent the morning/ early afternoon at Kings Park (WA Botanic Gardens), which was pretty near the city. Splendid view one could enjoy there, since it overlooked the Swan River (And Swan River really looks lyk a swan!)

See the sun's grace? They have really nice skies in Perth!!!
Another smug look from Jeri! Hahaha.

And standing in front of the Memorial for the great Men who died in The Great War
Magnificent view, see i told you!

Solemn Prayers for the dead
Let our silent contemplation be our offering...
And did i mention how fun it was to lie on carpet grass??? I gather i could just sleep there! Whee!

Snapped. =)))
That's Audrey. Nice trenchcoat! =)
And this is the DNA Tower. We climbed all the way up!!
Ta dah!!! That's the superbly nice view on top! Very nice indeed.
And the rest below are picturesque pictures! =P

(I so love sun shots!)
Next up, we headed off to Cicerello's in Fremantle for their Fish and Chips! Hohoho. Yummy yum yum! And Audrey said we had to bring our own sauces there since their FNCs were kinda no frills - just fish and chips wrapped up in paper, very much the traditional way... Uber lovely and it's probably the second freshest thing i've ever tasted! Costs AUD11.90 each set.

Not having such an accessible railway track in SG, Jeri couldn't help but took to taking pictures! Muahahahs.

Audrey's glad that the Tomato sauce we had left behind in her car from the picnic yesterday was still there! Us forgetting to take it out from the car was a blessing in disguise. Hehs.

Love the feel of this pic... Guess who was on my mind when this picture was taken?
And like i have mentioned enough, they have really really nice sun sets in Perth! *Awwww...

If you do not already know,
my night has become a sunny dawn because of you.