Tuesday, 26 August 2008
Listen to her sorrows... Her helplessness and her pain...
Cry together people.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
So many things happened over the few weeks i haven't been blogging. My bad.
Ran for Student Relations Director for BAF Club (specially catering to BAF Cohort), but got offered Vice President instead. Things are still tentative as of now (the position is still tentative), but will be confirmed latest by Wednesday. *Prays*
Started studying and trying my best to acquire the "study smart" technique. Studying had always been my cup of tea, or is it not? Seems like this Semester will prove extra challenge for me.
My birthday this year has been a fabulous one! With my beloved friends (Jaslene, Kareen, Si Hui, Jacqueline, and their partners - Boon Hao, Ben, Ben) who really made me feel loved, as well as family who cares and even celebrated my birthday (for the first time after we grew up; i mean, i'm still growing up, but yea. u noe the "dong shi" age? hahas.) for me!
Rico had been activated (to report back to camp) on the day we were going to dine wimmy clique to celebrate my bday; so imagine my disappointment when i came to know that he won't be there! So after our dinner, i went to the ladies with Kareen and Jaslene, and when i came back, thee were 2 cakes!!! Hahhas! One from Mr Dearico and the other from my lovely friends!
Could you sense my euphoria? Rico appeared right in front of me! I had tears welling up in my eyes eh, seriously... Tsktsk. But i didn't cry. Hahas. Tears only. =P He had worked in cahoots with Kareen to plan this surprise for me. Wah!!! Thanks for rushing down with the Swensen's Ice Cream cake despite having had a long day and having to commute all the way from your camp!
Tadah! See my 2 cakes! (09 Aug 08)
I love you gurls my dearest ladies! (09 Aug 08)
And my beloved brother bought this cake for me too! (11 Aug 08)
And not to forget, Dearico for the special memories and being very much a memorable part of my life. You brought the colours to me, just like how you animated Mario and Doraemon on the papers... (Yes i do love mario too! hee hee) And thanks for assuring me, comforting me when the tears threaten to fall (and eventually fell); when my mood swings turn all erratic and unpredictable...
I Do (Cherish You).Thanks to my Uni friends who text me birthday wishes when i didn't expect you guys to, and special thanks to Hongli and Chiok! Seriously, my uni life has been (will continue to be) memorable because of our "walking into fire, moving into evil" (in short, "zhou huo ru mo") gang! Hahahs. Hongli got me a cake, while Chiok did a lovely picture collage framed up nicely... Thanks!

The picture collage Chiok made! Thanks a lot!
Hong Li, thanks for your cake, and for offering to help her too! =)

The zhou huo ru mo gang. LOL.
And thanks to Ashley (Lay koon) for her gift too! She gave me a super unique present; one which i hadn't had in my whole 20 years... It was a dice! But the dice was extraordinary - it was a decision dice, with various decisions on its faces such as "Go to bed", "Go to Pub (in my case, i'll have to change to club)", etc etc. Cute isn't it! Maybe cos i had turned to her for advice so much that she decided to get me this. (Ashley, did you have to throw a dice and land on the face that says "Buy this" before you got me this? Hee hee)
10 August was yet another special day! Hohoho. Had set this day aside to celebrate my birthday with Rico, and it was also our 2nd month celebration. Wait, they have a term for it... I think it's something like... "Month-versary"? Hahahs. What a pun! This month was my turn to plan and so we went to Tampopo for our dinner - luckily I had reserved a table! The queue was pretty long whn we got there. So, when food blog reviews recommends you to make reservations, they are not joking. What have you got to lose anyway? Oh yes, settled for this restaurant thanks to Laykoon's recommendation to read through this food review blog which i found super useful! Hee hee. Thanks to the author and to Ashley!
Tried Shabu-shabu Ramen while Rico tried his Miso Ramen (if i don't remember wrongly)and both were pretty nice! The egg he had was the first i had ever seen - hard boiled on the outside, half-cooked on the inside. WOAH! How did they do it???!??! My shabu shabu (I think was black pig meat = pork) was satisfying too. And the agedeshi tofu... i love! Yummy yum yum! Hees.

My shabu shabu and his miso. (Are you hungry already?)
After that we went to shop around and Rico bought this jigsaw puzzle which we both pieced together... Wasn't a big one (No space and time), but it proved something. Signifies the unity and pair-work (think teamwork) we displayed! Haha. And it's nice that both of you work together to achieve something
together. Whee!!!
And we also went to get Fondue! Hohoho. *Slurp slurp.* Velly nice! Haas. I brought him to Max Brenner at Esplanade for their fondue, to which we couldn't finish as we were too full from dinner earlier on! Haas. Ambience could have been improved, as there were many people there that day. Not lor-man-tick (romantic) enuf. Grrrr.
Max Brenner's Fondue
Whee! So, my blog is now no longer in chronological order... Bad bad... And, did i miss many things out? Yes i think i did! Till i recall and have the mood again, ciaos!
Enjoy your weekends my friends! =)))
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Lost... Feelings of helplessness and anxieties overwhelming me...
I'm scared.
I'm worried.
I'm stressed.
I need your support; tell me you'll be with me through it all;
Tell me you will be there with me;
Tell me you're always around for me...
I need your assurance........
Do you hear my fears, my plight, my pleas?
Maybe things were never meant to be, now they are turning out this way.
Thursday, 7 August 2008
To Dearico:
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true I was blessed because I was loved by you
Conclusion from 1st week of school:
Jerica so loves Finance and Banking
Despite the potential stress and challenges coming from a non-finance background (no family members with financial knowledge/ experience to consult on, except for my uncle - my mum's bro), I'm all the more motivated...
To seek out the knowledge on my own...
To fight for what i want.
"To reach for where the money is"...
Wait, "to reach for where the money is"? Maybe not. But I will want to excel in the field of Finance, I know. I aspire to be good and study hard, and clinch the As... To acquire whatever knowledge I could, cos i seriously feel so much for the various mechanisms and aspects of BAF (Banking and Finance), having been through the overview given by the professors, lecturers, etc for the first week of class.
May this passion burn on, never to end, and flame on courageously, even when the going gets tough (I know it will, and i am prepared for it)
Whatever the case, I'm grateful for the support that my family and friends have given me... Mum has supported my decision to choose BAF over HTM (Hospitality & Tourism Mgmt), despite the latter being "more prestigious" in NBS due to limited intake (notice its apostrophes? It's highly subjective); Rico has been urging and reminding me to study, to jiayou and not to skip any lesson. Haaa; and for listening and advising me when i was facing my dilemma, and to eventually come to a decision together.
Yes, together.
No matter what happens, I will make sure I do my best.
I don't want any regrets.
I am so motivated.
I shall excel, because I want.
And, I will. =P
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Finally it's august. 08/08. Everybody HUAT ok! Haha.Managed to catch Dearico in his Smart 4 over the weekend! Dashing dashing and dashingly smart - what more can i say? =PPP Love love! hahahs. And thanks for always trying to disturb me when i'm cooking FOR YOU! Grrrrr. End up I dun haf the chance to cook leh. Only can stand one side gar jiao you. Hahah. Not everybody can taste my cooking ok! Be proud that i'm cooking for you! Hee.Sat 020808 - Went to NDP Preview wif mummy. Nice planes with cross over stunts, exhilarating parachuters diving right down, plunging through the air, forcing me to use the tissue in the goodie bag to dry the sweat that broke for them (ok, i'm exaggerating).
Super hot day!!! Grrr. Thanks for the wet tissue by Peach Garden ok! Promise to drop by your restaurant one day!
Favourite of all was the marching past, etc. Makes me feel so patriotic!
Mahjonged over the weekend. Lost $10! To think i was so happy when i "zi mo"-ed and "hua shang"ed to game...! Ok, only once. LOL. Most of the time I was raking in small bucks. From the Gar-ng(!)s and trying luck and pong-pong hu. Hee! Love mahjong! But I wished I could have more luck. I'm optimistic
Sun 030808 - Tavis and Trillium came over our house. Funny boys they were, as they tried recounting (vividly with lotsa gestures) their session of swimming together (God knows what they were tryna say. HAAA) yesterday.
Finally got my JC student's tution fee after what seems like eternity! Goodness gracious. =.="
Anw, thanks for all the naggings to get prepared for school; for reminding me that i'm still a student and need to complete my studies; for the fact that i need to keep closer tabs on my finances that slip away unnoticed (they sure do)!
Hohoho. Time to be a better person; for the immaculate lady with refined gait and poise! Hees.
Fresh sem, fresh academic year, fresh start!
Hope everything turns out well for me and my friends this sem! Hohoho... Let's work hard people! I'm so looking forward to tomorrow, can get to see my friends! Haa.
Which is kind of ironic, cos i knew i had dreaded the new sem - the frenzies of getting upset over project mates, the rush of assignments and quickened paces, etc...; more so cos i can no longer afford to slack and waste my time away...
I'm such a lousy bom pee pee, cos i'm still getting pocket money from my parents! Bad bad bad. I'm kinda ashamed of myself actually. =(
I'm such a greedy pig, cos I'm getting paid at more than 20 bucks per hour from tutoring but i'm still not satisfied. I wan more for less! (Very bad)
So many rubbishy thoughts rushing in my mind now! mahjong-ed last nyte and i lost 10 bucks. Haaa.
When monday comes in another 1.2hrs, it's a new JERICA! =)))
***Looking forward to the coming weekend! It's party time people! Hohoho!***
(Oh gawd, i'm still "drafting" one blog post from last week's events... Yet to be completed due to "lack of mood"... Promise to update the remaining when the mood comes! I'm 3/4 done dy!!!)
Darlie Tan:
2nd last outfield before you ORD
Aren't you excited! hohoho.
Be safe, be kind and be wise.
No matter where you are or feeding which mosquito,
please know that there's someone here
wishing all the best for you,
missing you,
and looking forward to the weekend with you! =)))