So i'm kinda shocked at how fast time has flown by...!
Unknowingly (yeah kinda), we've been together for 3 months.
Been through the ups, the downs and the crazy times.
The uncertain times. And also, the times we held so true.
Times we thought had been rocky; Life hasn't been a road of smooths, but of course, not to the extent of tumults. Times we said hurtful truths with the very promise we held that we will be honest with what we feel; no hidings no nothing (although i still do, and only open up upon probing). Just, honesty.
I'm glad that we had been through FEAR together, and that we held on to each other tight... and finally receiving news that sounded more than music to the ears.
Thank God I found Rico.
And of course, thank God i found my friends, my family too. Friends whom you can turn to and talk about your wildest dreams even though you haven't been in touch with each other for years... Family whom you now you can always rely on and confide in, no matter how they so often nag and nag...
It had been a long day i remember, with 2 meetings and lecture to fill up my Friday to (almost) the brim; I commented to Rico that I wanted to eat donut all of a sudden. Not entirely a sudden, cos somebardy on the train had walked past me with lovely donuts (k, just the box la!) in hand. So, like a normal consumer, (i'm tryna apply concepts learned from my Consumer Behaviour module), my brain was stimulated - my appetite was whetting up; my craving was building inside.
He offered to meet me at AMK Hub (Whee! Someone to help me with my da-baos-xiao-baos finally!), and while i was waiting in the queue in Fairprice with his card in hand, he returned with Oreo donut!
Holy Gracious. I love you so much. Hee. Yes, "you" with ambiguity intended.

Much as this is a happy couple hand in hand, I wouldn't want this to be Rico and I, cos i haf more than 3 strands/ bunches of hair and I don't have a triangle body. LOL.
Our 3rd month celebration was at Sun with Moon at Wheelock Place! This guy here is super crafty with his acting skills and got me totally fooled! But was a really nice surprise though... Hehs. He told me he wanted to visit Zara at Wheelock, but i had been tired from walking around, what more coupled with the wet grounds from the rain, so i had been reluctant to go initially. After we reached Wheelock, he brought me to walk around the complex and i think i must have been too tired from walking that i didn't pay attention to where he was really bringing me. So, we stopped outside of Sun with Moon. He started a conversation on dining inside, but there was a disgusting long queue outside of the restaurant (he knows i hate having to queue and i think he hates it too). So without suspecting a thing, we walked past it.
Next thing we knew, i was like trying to drag him to Zara, since it was turning 8 and i had wanted to shop at many other places in town too. Then, he said he was HUNGRY, complete with a "I'm hungry; Can you bear to see me hungry?" look. So, we reversed and went back to Sun with Moon. I suggested probably we could skip the queue (which was probably lined up by people who wanted to dine in big groups) and ask the door hostess if there was table for 2.
Jerica: "Do you have table for 2?" (Expecting them to say that they're full and "Do you want to be on our waiting list?")
Rico: "I made a reservation for 2 under Mr Tan."
At this of time, I had thought he was trying his luck to get a table for 2 by insisting that he had booked a table... And essentially LYING!
Jerica stared with widened eyes and was so shocked to put up pretence with him (I had still thought he was trying to be a BAD CUSTOMER at this point of time) that she whipped out her hp and navigated around in it.
I was wow-ed totally when the waitress showed us the way in (I had thought his plan to "bluff" had worked!) and my eyes grew even bigger........
Until I sat down...
It was only after i was at our table that i realised that i had misunderstood him all along; that he had indeed booked a table rigt from the start!!!! I burst out laughing like a hyena (as usual) and was pleasantly pleased that he had me surprised. And the funny thing was, i surprised myself in a sense.
*Blame it on my paranoia and cynicism on human nature. LOL*

The menu looks so yummy i could gobble it up! =)

He's busy on the phone and the table looks messily neat.

So, this is my Hokkaido Ramen - ***** (5/5 stars)
This 5 stars, despite the fact that i hadn't much of an appetite recently

1st of the few we took - Indian dance of sorts? LOL.
I love you so much more! =P
Come back safe, my man...