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Thursday 20 August 2009

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Last year! Time to get geared up before you really graduate!

Sadly, i was taken ill for the whole of last week. Played too hard over my birthday week, wahaha! But i really love the celebrations! Many many presents and loads of catching up with my friends. Great turn out at my party. I'm loving it! Thanks to Rico and my besties Kareen, Jaslene, Sihui, Zhongming for turning up at the surprise outing, and not forgetting Adele of cos! =)))

Back to School wasn't easy. Had to cope with the tremendous stress of juggling my club activities, and groups forming, and settling into tutorial groups for the new modules in the brand new semester. New faces in NBS. Very exciting and fun!

But but. This week i'm stressed up and totally burned! Tues and Fris are my full days. at least 7 hours of lesson, which definitely requires me to drink up some adequate amount of caffeine to keep me focused in class! And Tues and Fris are my language days too! Pretty exciting but enervating at the same time. French and Japanese! I’m loving them. But I really need to brush up on my languages, haa! I love learning them, but I’m worried I will be too packed this semester! Afterall, it’s the time to rush our FYPs! And gosh, we’ve yet to meet up with the Prof when other teams are already conducting their research – questionnaires, etc. Oh my!

To make matters worse, Wed Thur this week I’m down for NBS Day. Hafta prepare and man the booths for our BAF Club. Plus attending Luncheon with international students. Thur & Fri & Sat & coming Monday are used up for interviews with applicants who are interested in joining the 4th Management Committee of BAFC. Sat night is the night when Clarence is running for his pageant, and I will be at Zirca to support him… Go Clarence! You know you will make it, cos I’m supporting you despite the huge amount of stress I’m feeling! All the best yeah, flaunt your stuffs! Haha.
And next Wed is mingling night. For us to mingle with the new batch of mgmt committee. Potential candidates. Interested parties.

Hopefully come next Thur I can relax more! I need to slip back into my academic semester mood and momentum! Go go go, final 2 semesters before you miss school life again, my dear Jeri!

Do you also see the amount of stress I’m under?

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Monday 27 July 2009

It's confirmed! I'm holding my 21st birthday celebration...

On: 5th August 09 (Wed)
At: Pasir Ris Costa Sands Resort
Starting from: 6.30pm till ... late!

Friends who are interested to stay over from 4th (tue) and go swimming in the morning on 5th (wed)tgt wif jeri let me know!!!

I need people to help me with DECO! =P

Jaslene, Ashley, Chiok and Hongli do you hear me?!?!?!


Monday 20 July 2009

My birthday's coming but i dunno how to create special memories for myself, and my frens!

I want my bday to be special eh eh... =(((

But i dun wan to tire myself out. i've seen my frens getting all so worn out cos of entertaining frens and guests.. uh uh....


Recently in love with dressing up. is this part of GROWING UP? hehs. been reading up on cosmo mag. pretty enlightening. teaches u pretty good stuff. lyk, hwto protect uself, hw to handle matters of the heart. i've read this book called "Why men have no clue, why women need more shoes". Pretty useful i say? =)


Bestie Neer has restricted her blog to invited readers only, and i'm not one of them. she says she wants to keep it private and i think i'm kinda hurt when i heard that... (


Haven't been wakebaording. i want to go! i want to ride and surf the wakes so badly! i want to bask under the sun AGAIN! i even missed the IVP this year. how sad. seeing my wakebaording frens so close tgt with me fading off as a memory makes me so sad too. boo.

I miss sun, sea and fun.


last day of internship = 31st july. my team at work gonna have team activity at Pulau ubin! i was in charge of contacting the tour guides to bring us ard. not bad ryte. =P negotiation was pretty tough too. had to tell them i'm fr a small company. lol.


I want to go on holiday! Bintan, BKK, Taiwan, Hongkong, or even Paris! but my beloved tan dusen wanna go. he wants to save up. =SSS i duno how. i dunno what to say also. cos i noe i shud be saving up too, to pay off my loans when i graduate. but i seem to think i'm so rich that i can afford holiday...

If only.... we can go on a trip together........ *awwww.


Sunday 7 June 2009



Everything feels so surreal; as though i woke up from a dream and that it was just yesterday when we first held our hands. =)

I still miss the lovely breakfast you would make for me at my house, and i know i will get to eat them again, someday...

Anticipate in happiness the surprises i will have in store for you, when your examinations are over, and when we get down to really celebrate!

Sorry for not being able to stay up with you when you work hard on your assignments while you stayed up wimme when i mugged hard for my papers... I am always either tired or hyperactive i dunno why! =P Pardon me, my boy.

This morning, i woke up earlier than usual to make breakfast for dearico, who was still happily snuggling in bed. Haaa. It was simple fare of French Toast, with a twist. Check out the picture below! =)

I'm not a good cook, but it's made with love, literally and metaphorically ok! =)

Sweet First Year, dearico...

With love from dearica, heh =P

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Thursday 21 May 2009

I am angry using slow computers. imagine having to wait and wait even when you attempt to save your data from the constant auto-restart and hanging of programmes...

And it's not just a few minutes. i have really tried my best to be patient. afterall, it's my internship. i dun want to screw it up. so i went to the pantry, the toilet, etc. i came back; it's still saving!!! 5% only!!! can u see my blood spewing outta my mouth, writing the words "FTW"?!?!?

This is how angry i am. oh my! i worked OT, just to complete a simple task which i could have done easily within probably a few hours had it not been for all the waiting here, waiting there.

This really sucks. How can such a big organisation use such lousy laptops/desktops/servers??? This impedes advancement, so get a life people! We need to advance with the technology!!! ALAMAK, NASI LEMAK... The speed of the current laptop processors cannot support such humongous amount of data!

OK, enough venting. Haha tmr, i will be a better person, and look forward to learning more things! =) SO far so good (other than the com), for i have really learnt quite a number of stuff, and found this internship to be really useful. =P

CHEERS! Good luck for my results which will be revealed at 0000h, 22nd May 09. Argh!!!
Monday 18 May 2009

I love Mr Tan =) feelings of sweets suddenly swpet me off my feet; i cannot fathom why either! =XXxxxxxXX hohoho. good luck in your assignments hope you can get all the distinctions boy!

internship has its challenges, even up to the minute, can't-be-bothered details such as who to have lunch wif, when to smile or strike a conversation wif colleagues. i'm in one of the local banks in SG, and am on the 46th floor, overlooking terrific scenary every other day. it's gr8! i love the workplace, somehow. But i hope things will get better and that my colleagues will warm up to me more and not be so stuck in their work and so serious all the time!!!

yes, last sunday was gr8 wif Neer. we were great gurls! we window shopped for at least 5hrs without spending more than $20 i guess? come Saturday.... hiak hiak - it's time for shopping spree to replenish the decreasing (god knows why) collection of clothes, etc and to get good deals fr ard the shopping paradiseS!

oh yes, and that day i clubbed once... after so long!!! went to zirca/ rebel, the previous mos - was gr8 too. the music, at least. but nt the musky environment that smelled of stale air, as though they do not circulate. oh man!

come 3/4 month's time, it's JeRico's first year anniversary! yippe yays! i love my darlie. i love your company. u're the one who makes me love jeri more each day! =)

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